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天人合一英文 天人合一英文演讲稿


天人合一英文 天人合一英文演讲稿天人合一英文 天人合一英文演讲稿

1、(必应在线,仅供参考)泰山的英语介绍:Mount Tai, one of the five famous mountains in China, is located in the central part of Shandong Province, between Tai'an, Jinan and Zibo, with a total area of 242,000 hectares.泰山,为的五岳之一,位于山东省中部,绵亘于泰安、济南、淄博三市之间,总面积2.42万公顷。


3、Mount Tai was regarded by the ancients as a "heen leading directly to the throne" and became a god mountain worshipped by the people and sacrificed by the emperor. There is a saying that "Mount Tai is safe and all the seas are safe".泰山被古人视为“直通帝座”的天堂,成为崇拜,帝王告祭的神山,有“泰山安,四海皆安”的说法。

4、Mount Tai is the symbol of the Chinese nation, the epitome of the Oriental culture, the place where the thought of "harmony between man and nature" is based, and the home of the spirit of the Chinese nation.泰山是中华民族的象征,是东方文化的缩影,是“天人合一”思想的寄托之地,是中华民族精神的家园。




8、接触交代型的铁矿,分you”,其中nice是表态,to meet you布在泰山的东麓及其南侧,其富铁矿石量多质优,是山东省的富铁矿产地。






14、参考资料来源:百度百科-泰山谁能用英语介绍一下泰安?taian lies in central Shandong Province, it’s a all and peaceful city whit a long history. Total land area of 7,762 square kilometers and a population of 5.499 million. Taishan was listed by UNESCO in 1987 as a world natural and cultural heritages.It covers an area of 550 square meters. It was regarded当作,认为,被看作as preeminent卓越的among China's Five Sacred神圣的,庄严的Mountains. 72 Chinese emperors of various不同的,各种的dynasties朝代made pilgrimages朝圣to Taishan for sacrificial牺牲的and other ceremonial正式的purposes用途,意图, including the first Emperor Shihuang of the Qin Dynasty (221-206BC), Mount Tai also has the Buddhi and Taoi two religious, thus temples scattered throughout Hill. So Taishan mountain is not only a magnificent character, but also a large number of cultural relics. Taishan Mountain is the spiritual source for Chinese artists and scholars and symbolizes ancient Chinese civilizations and beliefs.The temple was built in 725.Sealing ceremony was held at the Dai temple and worships the God of Taishan. While the temple was, 405.7 meters long from north to south and 236.7 meters wide from east to west, with a total area of 96,000 square meters. About a quarter of the old city of Taian. Dai temple was the Emperor’s Palaces when he came to Taian. But now the temple is a museum about history介绍泰安作文英语Taian-mount taishan area is the east of Chinese civilization birthplace, more then m ~ haidai civilization source area, the Confucian culture the bearer of the area. As early as 500000 years ago he human survival, multiply, 50000 years ago XinTaiRen, has entered the stage of homo sapiens; 5000 years ago this nurtures splendid dawenkou culture, become across-two-millennia history an important milestone. Due to the sun and the worship of the mountains, since many legends to qin and han dynasties, until the Ming and qing dynasties, extend for several thousand years, mount tai become FengChan emperors holy place. With FengChan emperor, mount tai was deified, buddhist two, a brilliant scholar, to mount tai and left many taian places of historic interest. Look back, the tai "an three the history of the move. The spring and autumn period, the tai "an no salt for city, city is located in this Cu measurement介绍泰安的英语作文,初三水平,要翻译,现在就要!急急急China Taian再如:The name Taian is derived from Mount Tai and implies that “The country is prosperous and the people live in peace”. Tai’an is located in the eastern coastal economy belt and the Economic Zone around the Bohai Sea, lying at the intersection of Shandong Peninsula and the hinterland. It extends from 116_02_ to 117_59_ longitudes east and from 35_38_ to 36_28_ latitudes north with 176.6 kilometers in length from east to west and 93.5 kilometers in width from south to north. Tai’an consists of two districts (Taishan District and Daiyue District), two county-level cities (Xintai City and Feicheng City) and two counties (Ningyang County and Dongping County), covering an area of 7,762 square kilometers with a population of 5.5 million people. Tai’an, along with Mount Tai and its beautiful natural scenery, has been honored with “An Excellent Tourist City of China” and “A National Sanitary City”.泰安这个名字是来自泰安泰山意味着“繁荣和生活在和平”。





19、介绍泰安的英语作文100字左右The name Taian is derived from Mount Tai and implies that “The country is prosperous and the people live in peace”. Tai’an is located in the eastern coastal economy belt and the Economic Zone around the Bohai Sea, lying at the intersection of Shandong Peninsula and the hinterland. It extends from 116_02_ to 117_59_ longitudes east and from 35_38_ to 36_28_ latitudes north with 176.6 kilometers in length from east to west and 93.5 kilometers in width from south to north. Tai’an consists of two districts (Taishan District and Daiyue District), two county-level cities (Xintai City and Feicheng City) and two counties (Ningyang County and Dongping County), covering an area of 7,762 square kilometers with a population of 5.5 million people. Tai’an, along with Mount Tai and its beautiful natural scenery, has been honored with “An Excellent Tourist City of China” and “A National Sanitary City”.。


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