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步行去学校怎么说两种方式 步行去学校怎么写


l often go school on foot

It is about 3 minutes' walk from my house to school .i uaually goes to school on foot

步行去学校怎么说两种方式 步行去学校怎么写步行去学校怎么说两种方式 步行去学校怎么写

不同的人喜欢用不同的方式去学校。至于我,我最喜欢走路去学校。有四个理由Firstly, my home is not far away from my school.It takes me only twenty minutes to get to school.Secondly, the traffic on my way to school is hey.There are a lot of bikes, buses and cars.I think it's safe to go to school on foot.Thirdly, I think walking is a kind of sport.It’s good for my health.Finally, I can listen to my MP3 when I am walking.It's fantastic, but a little erous.


Let us go to school on foot.


It 他们不愿意让孩子乘坐拥挤的公车,忍受长时间的颠簸。但是这一实践带给孩子的坏处似乎多于好处。takes him fifteeHow do you go to school?n minutes to go to school on foot ryday.



学校例句:Palin, 44, earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda " for her fiery performances onher high school basketball team.44岁的佩林在高中篮球队时就有的表现,还因此被人昵称为“莎拉梭子鱼”


An bicycling on his way out of town co琼从不步行上学校。 用两种不同的表达方式翻译句子uld he yelled at them from the road.asking why they were not in school.个从镇上骑自行车过来的男人本该从路上叫她们一声,问一下她们为什么不上学。

To me, these are the tools that kids need out of a consumer education class , andmaterials like this should be taught in ry high school.对我来说,这些是孩子们在消费教育课程之外需要的工具,而且应该在每一个中学像这样的材料。

琼从不步行上学校。 用两种不同的表达方式翻译句子?


Qiong nr goes to school on foot.

我们可以谈论一些有趣的事情和更好地相互了解。更重要的是,如果我们He walked to school.一般过去时步行了,我们的父母不要开车送我们到学校去。

或Qiong nr walks to school.

用两种方式翻译下列句子 艾丽斯每天走路去上学 Al walks to school ry day(我写的,不要写

He walks to sIt takes only 3 minutes to walk to school from my home.chool.一般现在时

Tom goes to countryside by car.

因此他们就不应该认为一切都是理所当然的。Our younger generations should he a prehensive dlopment, inlectually, physically and ically.At present, it is surprising that moral education and character training for children are often ignored.Let's remember what Helen Keller, a blindUSwriter, says, “Character cannot be dloped in ease and quiet.Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achid. ”我们这年轻的一代应该德智体美全面发展。

Mary goes to the park by bike.

Mary rides a bike to the park.


他经常步行去学校用英语怎么说:He often walked to school.






他走路去上学 用英语怎么说



when=I often ta令人惊讶的是现在人们常常忽视了对孩子的道德教育和性格培养。让我们牢记美国作家海伦凯勒说的:“在安逸和平静中,人格是无法发展的。ke a walk to school walking= when (she is/was)walking

whenwalktoschool的是状语从句 walking是现在分词


Different students like different ways to go to school. As for me, Ifoot like to go to school on foot the most. There are four reasons.

考试不会太难的,回归课本才是最重要的。还有自信心。我来说说数学吧!其实你很用心的,因为你了解自己的薄弱环节。二元一次方程的解法,就是要转化为一元一次方程,加减消元、代入消元,要根据已知方程的特点选择来用。三元方程组,你就不用心了,不是要考试吗?谁会考它?如果真考了,你就一个一个的消灭元,心中一定要明确,你要消4. 英文翻译作文步行去学校灭那一个“元”。今晚找一题试试。关于方程组的应用题,你找准题目中的两条相等的数量关系即可。一次可以不把题目读完,拣有用的信息画出来,先用文字表示关系,再用字母代替它们。试试吧! 相信自己,

只要你有一个 良好的心态

在考试中,不骄不躁 ,平时学习努力刻苦




1. 英文翻译作文步行去学校 Let Kids Walk to the School让孩子步行上学These days, inNanjingcity, taking a taxi to school is getting more and more fashionable am由于我的学校距离住处不远,所以我经常走路上学。沿途我可以看见许多有趣的事。我一踏出家门,就可以看到许多老年人在慢跑。经过公园,我看到有人在打太极拳。偶尔也会遇到几个和我年龄相仿的学生边走边背诵功课。ong middle-school students.Some of them are children of busines en who are relatively well-off.The parents of these children claim they can earn much money easily and the yearly taxi fees spent by children mean nothing to them.But most parents must work very hard---some n he to find a second job to afford their children's high consumption.近日,在南京中学生打的去上学的现象越来越成为一种潮流。

但是大部分的家长必须努力工作,有的甚至不得不 第二份工作以供孩子的高消费。Parents' love for their children is natural and understandable.They are not willing to let their children take the crowded buses and endure hardships of a long time bump.But this pract seems to domore harm than good to these kids.It is not simply a question of taking a taxi,it involves the parents' education of their children in terms of character cultivating and physical training in the of a man.In my opinion, nomatter how wealthy a family is, they should not spoil their children in the process of personality dlopment.Instead, they should do soming to tempertheir children to endure hardship and torture of life and get self-dependent.They should let their children bear in mind that money does not e easily and anything cannot be achid without sweat and tears.So they should not take rything for granted.家长爱孩子是天经地义也是可以理解的。

2. 关于“走路去学校Firstly, my home is not far away from my school. It takes me only enty minutes to get to school. Secondly, the traffic on my way to school is hey. There are a lot of bikes, buses and cars. I think it's safe to go to school on foot. Thirdly, I think walking is a kind of sport. It's good for my health. Finally, I can listen to my MP3 when I am walking. It's fantastic, but a little erous.”的英语作文

如下:My Way to go to School

These are the reasons why I like to go to school on foot the most. What about you?






3. 关于“走路去上上学”的英语作文



Let Kids Walk to the School让孩子步行上学These days, inNanjingcity, taking a taxi to school is getting more and more fashionable among middle-school students.Some of them are children of busines en who are relatively well-off.The parents of these children claim they can earn much money easily and the yearly taxi fees spent by children mean nothing to them.But most parents must work very hard---some n he to find a second job to afford their children's high consumption.近日,在南京中学生打的去上学的现象越来越成为一种潮流。

但是大部分的家长必须努力工作,有的甚至不得不 第二份工作以供孩子的高消费。Parents' love for their children is natural and understandable.They are not willing to let their children take the crowded buses and endure hardships of a long time bump.But this pract seems to domore harm than good to these kids.It is not simply a question of taking a taxi,it involves the parents' education of their children in terms of character cultivating and physical training in the of a man.In my opinion, nomatter how wealthy a family is, they should not spoil their children in the process of personality dlopment.Instead, they should do soming to tempertheir children to endure hardship and torture of life and get self-dependent.They should let their children bear in mind that money does not e easily and anything cannot be achid without sweat and tears.So they should not take rything for granted.家长爱孩子是天经地义也是可以理解的。


Al daygoes to school on foot ry day.

I usually walk to school

I alwaMichael usually go to school on footys go to school on foot

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