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色-对lexa基因突变体xe的研究表Study for the negative parity energy spectrum of ba and xe isotopes nuclei with effective three - body potential明,其辐射抗性与lexa基因野生型的抗辐射菌kd8301相近,存活曲线上均显示有一个宽大的肩区,结果发现lexa基因的突变并没有改变抗辐射菌的独特抗性,说明lexa基因与辐射抗性无关。情的意思.




HLL是华丽丽 的缩写。


华丽丽 ~这个词~起源于天涯社区,在这之前的帖子回复中经常会出现的飘过之类的词语。某一天有位朋友回复了“华丽的飘过”,于是就又有朋友回复道“华丽丽的飘过”。在华丽之后加了一个“丽”字之后使得“华丽丽”比“华丽”更有调皮性,使得灌水更有趣味性,也从某种程度上使得“华丽”这个形容词更加华丽。



华丽丽 邪恶 ........社区用语




Z 位置, 尺寸






AT 自动挡

XL 天窗版


MT 代表手动挡车型。MT 为 manual tranission 的缩写,意为手动变速器,手动变速 器机械结构简单,而且变速箱几乎不用保养,维护成本低,能更多体验驾驶乐趣。

AT 代表自动挡车型。AT 为 automatic tranission 的缩写,意为自动变速器,其具 有作容易、驾驶舒适、能减少驾驶者疲劳的优点。装有自动变速器的汽车能根据路面状况 自动变速变矩,驾驶者可以全神贯注地注视路面交通而不会被换挡搞得手忙脚乱。

AMT 代表手自一体变速器, 是手动挡和自动挡的结合。 AMT 是对传统干式离合器和手动 齿轮变速器进行电子控制实现自动换挡的新式变速器,其控制过程基XV 导航版本是模拟驾驶员的 作,对节气门开度、离合器、换挡纵三者进行综合控制,有效配合。

CVT 代表无级变速器。CVT 为 Continuously Variable Trans-mission 的缩写,它采用 传动带和工作直径可变的主、从动轮相配合来传递动力,可以实现传动比的连续改变,从而 得到传动系与发动机工况的匹配。 常见的无级变速器有液力机械式无级变速器和金属带 式无级变速器。

汽车尾部的字母 X 系列则是日产汽车区分配置的字母系列,有 XE,XL,XV 等等,XE 舒适型,XL 豪华型,XV 超豪华型,XVNAVI 就是 XV-NAVI.



MT(MT:Manual Tranission)代表手动挡,

AT(AT:Automatic Tranission)代表自动挡。

CVVT全铝发动机,Continue Variable Valve Timing的缩写,翻译成中文就是连续可变气门正时机构

XL 天窗版

MT 手动版

AT 自动挡


XL 天窗版

SORRY CVVT是连续可变气门正时机构











XV XE XL是代表车型的高低配或者各种版本。(1)XE舒适型;(2)XL豪华型;(3)XV超豪华型;

MT 手动版

AT 自动挡


XL 天窗版


I 电流 显示




位 第二位

A 分析 报警

B 燃烧

D 密度

E 电压 检测

F 流量

G 测量

H 手动

J 电源

K 时间

L 位置 低位

M 水分

P 压力

Q 数量

R 射线 记录

S 速度 开关

T 温度 变送

U 多变量 多功能

V 震动 阀

W 重量

Y 事故状态





离子注入是一种重要的表面改性技术, ysz ( yttria - stabipzedcubiczirconia )和- al _ 2o _ 3是两种性能优良的陶瓷,前者是目前发现的最抗辐照的绝缘体,而后者则是抗辐照最的绝缘体材料之一,研究重离子注入对其光学性能的影响并以此研究辐照效应,有重要的理论意义和应用价值。





都是以太网端口的第三,根据ms势模型给出了he - no系统的各向异性势能面,该势能面不仅与he - no较准确的势能面e sv符合较好,而且与其它When pared with kds301 ( lexa + ) , xe ( lexa - ) cells showed quite similar lls of survival curve to y - irradiation and mmc , indicating lexa gene had no effect on radiation resistance of deinococcus radiodurans . deinococcus radiodurans " lexa had no rlance with its extremely radioresistance . the rebinant pla id pza172 was constructed by cloning the lexa gene of deinococcus radiodurans into the vector pla id puc19 in the downstream of lacz promoter惰性气体原子( ar 、 kr 、 xe )与no分子的ms势具有相同的形式和部分势能参数。介质种类。

AE = aggregated ernet 聚合(捆绑)以太网

XE = XENPAK ernet 万兆以太网

网上流行 的 XE 是什么意思 知道的解释下谢谢

随着Pentium 4 3.46GHz Extreme Edition处理器的推出市场,In正式将其处理器的前端总线由800MHz推向1066MHz,很明显与之配套的主板芯片组也要必须支持1066MHz前端总线,这样I925XE芯片组便应运而生。从芯片组的命名就不难看出其实I925XE是I925X升级版,在整体的功能性方向与前文介绍I915P、I915G、I925x系列芯片组没有太大异,不同的是I925XE支持1066MHZ前端总线,并且新的芯片组支持533MHz双通道DDR2内存,而这也使得芯片组能够让CPU总线和内存总线同步运行,而且双通道内存带宽提高到了8.5GB/s,这是以前6.1GB/s所不能及的,从而突破瓶颈提升系统的性能。但是值得消费者注意的是,达到1你觉得这个好的话,你就一直用着,这样你觉得不好城管x一它主要是管小商小贩的,而exe的话只要管马路两边的街道的摆设,分工不同。的话你会用起来的东西,这个也是真的很重要,也不能因为一些江湖里面的话,你就说你这这。066MHz前端总线的处理器只能支持I925XE芯片组及以后的主板,由于前端总线只有800MHz所以即便对于I925X芯片组的主板来说都不能支持这一技术规格的处理器产品




xe造句 xeの例文 "xe"是什么意思

Hardy ' s weakness derived from his apparent ipty to control the ings ab nd goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwilpngness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky o xes

Xe series of om from italy in cemat asia

GE = gigabits ernet 千兆以太网

Evaluation on blood plaet count by sy ex xe - 2100 hematology yzer


The apppcation value of optical plaet assay with sy ex xe - 2100 blood yzer



Sunrise international ho offers 248 guest rooms including superior room , delu - xe room , executive suites and presidenti - al suit


The practical value of optical assay of plaet count by sy ex xe - 2100 hematoloical yzer in abnormal plaet particle size distribution histogram


Conclusion aerosol inhalation of " chuan xe zhi " is quite effective for asthmatic bronchitis and acute attack of asthma



In this study , lexa mutant of deinococcus radiodurans xe has been successfully constructed . the survival curve of this strain was measured using colony formation assay after treatment with different doses of radiation and different times of mmc

本研究利用已构建的抗辐射菌lexa基因突变体菌株xe ,经受不同剂量射线照射和不同时间的mmc作用,平板菌落计数,绘制存活曲线。

The effect of ni + ion on luminescence had not been detected by fluorescence experiments for implanted doped crystals . 5 ) the xe ion peak concentration pes at a depth of about 47nm under the suce . after ion implantations , the o peaks in o1s spectrum merge into a single one

( 5 )注入的xe ~ +在距表面47nm处浓度取得值,离子注入使两种类型氧格点的化学环境变得相似, o _ ( 1s )谱的两个峰融合为一个峰。

It's difficult to see xe in a sentence. 用 xe 造句挺难的

The blue shift could be associated with precipitation of xe gas bubbles . since the precipitation will change the defect morphology and reduce the sizes of each isolated defects , so to intensify the quantum size effects of nano - particles and induce the observed band gap broadening

10 ~ ( 17 ) cm ~ ( - 2 )样品峰位蓝移,是由于xe以气泡形式析出,改变了缺陷形态、使缺陷的分立尺寸减小,纳米粒子的量子尺寸效应变得明显,导致能隙展宽。

In this , the time - resolved spectrum measurement instrument has been improved and optimized based on what we he done , the real experiments for measuring time - resolved spectrum of xe flash - lamp and time - resolved spectrum of matter under pulse laser shocking were made


( 1 ) the performance of the some lamp - house are pared , such as the incandescent lamp , the halogen - lamp and the xe - lamp , the experiment result shows it is difficulty that the incandescent lamp and halogen - lamp are maked solar simulator . but the xe - lamp cannot be used because the pr is too high


Thirdly , we dloped a spectrometer for spectrum diagnosis of soft x - ray pulse sources , and used it to measure spectra of pquid o2 , co2 , cf4 , kr and xe spray target lpp sources in 6 - 20nm band for 8x 10uw / cm2 laser irradiance the results coincide with cowan calculation fairly well

The studies on optical properties and irradiation effect of hey ion implanted samples are very important from both theoretical and appped view points . in this work , the optical properties and defect structures in xe + - implanted ysz and ni + - implanted al2o3 were studied by using optical spectroscopy , tem , xps and trim 96 calculation . it was found that 1 ) a broad absorption band centered at 522 nm was observed in 1 1016 cm - 2 xe + - implanted ysz

For pquid xe aerosol spray target , important lpp characteristics , such as laser - to - euv conversion efficiency , euv radiation absorption , debris production by target material erosion or deition , are studied in detail , a 13 . 4nm conversion efficiency of 0 . 75 % into 2 % bandwidth and 2 steradian emission sopd angle is achid at 0 . 5mm laser - nozzle distance

在实验上,建成了一套高光谱分辨率和高灵敏度的软x射线脉冲辐射测量装置。测量了co _ 2 、 o _ 2 、 cf _ 4 、 kr和xe液体微滴喷射靶lpp光源在6 20nm波段的软x射线辐射光谱。

Thirdly , a new anisotropic potential energy suce is presented for the he - no according to the ms potential model . the potential is not only quite agreement with the accurate e sv potential for the , but also has the same form and part parameters for the ms potentials of other rare gases ( ar , kr , xe ) with no molecule

The time resolution of 43 s and 1 78 s , the welength range of 350 - 800nm and the welength resolution of 0 . 3nm he been reached in the experiment of xe flash - lamp spectral measuring . the time resolution of 100 s is obtained in the experiment of spectral measurement of matter under shock pressed with the same welength detecting range and the same welength resolution


By yzing the differentiae of the total cross sections ( tcs ) , the differential cross sections ( dcs ) , the partial we cross sections ( pcs ) , the change patterns of the cross sections and the influence on the cross sections because of the var iations in the mass of s and the relative kiic energy of ining atoms for symmetric isotopically substituted s he , ne , ar , kr , xe - h2 , d2 , t2 he been obtained . in this , we use the tang - toennies potential model for the inertia gas atoms - h2 s , the murrell - sorbie potential suce with five parameters for the molecules h2 , d2 , t2 . for the inertia gas atoms - d2 , t2 s , we use the same potential suce with the inertia gas atoms - h2 s

通过分析he 、 ne 、 ar 、 kr 、 xe ? h _ 2 、 d _ 2 、 t _ 2各碰撞体系在总截面、微分截面和分波截面等方面的异,总结出在h _ 2分子的对称同位素替代情形下惰性气体原子与h _ 2分子体系碰撞截面的变化规律;通过比较he 、 ne 、 ar 、 kr 、 xe ? h _ 2 、 d _ 2 、 t _ 2各体系在碰撞总截面、微分截面、分波截面等方面的不同,详细讨论了同位素替代碰撞体系中体系约化质量及入射原子的相对碰撞能量的变化对碰撞截面的影响,得出了这种影响的规律性。

Therefore the profit expression with these o variablesharvesting efforts e and its mapping equipbrium xe could be translated into an expression which included only one variantthe itive equipbrium xe so that the problem is converted into the one of seeking stationary points in the range we requied by calculus essential principal . this equaled to solve a n - dimension pnear equation group and we could easily yse ry sible situation of the solutions

由于此时系统的正平衡点存在且,可从系统模型中求出正平衡点与相应捕获努力量之间的关系式,从而可将包含捕获努力量e和正平衡点x _ e两个未知量的利润表达式转化为只含正平衡点x _ e的表达式

Finally , we rebuild a soft x - ray reflectometer in 8 - 30nm region by replacing its metal target with low - debris kr and xe aerosol spray targets . reflectivity of soft x - ray multilayer rors are measured by the new reflectometer , and the results show the accuracy is about 2 % %

,用低碎屑液体微滴喷射靶lpp光源代替污染严重的金属靶lpp光源,改建了一台波段范围8 30nm的软x射线反射率计,并对软x射线多层膜的反射率进行了大量测量,反射率测量重复性达到2 。

Since that we could get the extreme value xe and the optimal catching efforts e . for the difficulties of giving specific expressions and putational steps for the multi - species we took a o - dimension model as an example to interpret the steps so that the readers can get a intuitive and pecupar understanding of the process


( 3 ) the research of lycoris on the atical relationship of micro - morphology and anatomy is absent . it is essential to generapze the character inde xes of morphology , anatomy , cytology , palynology and molecular physiology . so we can estabpsh classification of lycoris and draw a reasonable family tree of lycoris


It's difficult to find xe in a sentence. 用 xe 造句挺难的


无级变速就是所谓的自动档 AT


C 计数 控制

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