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原来如此英语 原来如此日语



Not yet been very hot in summer? this is a global warming doing so i hen't seen the north "" i also want to see it,1.So it is and the desert was serious now 30% of its territory is desert and ry year the range is large. economic growth process a large number of logging and groundwater of over-exploitation. many of the chinese government is implementing a series of measures to slow down and stop the desert, for example, called for low-carbon Qualified industrial use and emissions, fuels and the chinese people ry year on may 4 will be conducted under the tree planting activities, toger with the korean government afforestation activities in the future? so herbivore animals will be very difficult, and meat animals will he no food, the earth will become all the death of the desert. don't use as power requirements to walk or cycle or by public transport to the life of the resources to do a lot of gifts

原来如此英语 原来如此日语原来如此英语 原来如此日语

“原来如此”用英语怎么说? “原来是这样”用英语又怎样说?


有些东西就是文化异。相对于东亚语言,英语某些意义上很粗鲁的。你永远听不到英国人说鄙人某某某,请问您贵姓?。。原来如此,在歪果仁眼里就是一句废话,这句话在我们的语境里是指,别人给你解释了一个东西,你表示明白了。而前面回答的so that's it. so it is.都是你给别人展示解释一个东西,意思说的是 就如我所说的这样。。显然和原来如此没有半点儿关系。真正歪果仁表示了解了很多i get it。真要表示这种悔意的词,的还是用I see..意思就是。嗯,就是我看到听到了解到的这样

It explains the matter.

So this is your good works 你的所谓杰作原来如此 呀

So that's how it's done! 原来如此!

Now it come参考资料:s to me. 原来如此.


2.The original is so

So that's it 原来如此, Turned out to be such 原来是这样

So that's it..

So it is

一句话 I see.可以了。 让老美意会去。

so that is what it is


soudesuka(そうですか)有 2 种意思,如果是升调语气上扬表询问,即表疑问句:“是这样吗?”别人说了一件事,你表示赞同肯定的回答用 soudesu(そうです)“是这样”,语意上微妙的别,陈述语气就相当于“是嘛”的意思。


主语 + 谓语 + so + adj. + that + 从句






Oh, I see. 哦,原来如此。



Oh, I see. I see what you mean.


Oh, I see. Ill call the mar, then.

啊,我知道了,那么我就打电话给经理。 扩展资料 Oh, I see. Well, we'll he to think about that one.



Oh yes, I see what you mean.


Oh, I see what you're saying.


Oh, I see, I'll use stapler then.



Xiao Ming is so clr that all his teachers like him.

原来如此的话可以说i see

原来:original, former ,in the first place

有完整的一句话,不然很So that, so then ?原来如此,(那么)然后呢?难解释出来的,因为原来在句中的位置决定其翻译。







So that's how matters stand.看动漫










没有其他意思,不过一个调侃,下面的短语都不多,就是调侃现在人的英语都English Translation快忘了。


“原来如此,(So that is what it is那么)然后呢?”.

"If that is the case, (then) what happened next?"


so th...not enough...toen :若是那样的话, 那么, 因此, 于是

so then and then :然后再使


oh. I see. And then?



The relationship between your popularity so well, is how to do this, can teach me? Now, n an intimate friend I he not really troubled. In fact nothing special, but in interaction with others when a few points to note. My clasates often come into conflict because of differing views, the results of a long time, the intensification of the contradictions are deeper. Interpersonal relationships, the inevitably come into conflict, correctly handle the contradiction must open our hearts understand each other in live time, to accommodate each other, learn to turning hostility into friendship.It seems I he some communication with him is much more to enhance mutual understanding. How is it going to get other people's recognition then? Should be concerned about people, love, respect, showing modest and polite side, so that students can not only eliminate your mind on the prntion and can make them more to support you, you. I see. In addition, honesty is one of the first virtue of a man to be frank, so as to he a good popularity. Anyway, he a guest, the amount of Leaf will be Kindness, personal behior should be caring, honesty to others, I mean, right? Well It seems that you learn very quickly.


The relationship between your popularity so well, is how to do this, can teach me? Now, n an intimate friend I he not really troubled.

In fact nothing special, but in interaction with others when a few points to note.

My clasates often come into conflict because of differing views, the results of a long time, the intensification of the contradictions are deeper.

Interpersonal relationships, the inevitably come into conflict, correctly handle the contradiction must open our hearts understand each other in live time, to accommodate each other, learn to turning hostility into friendship.

It seems I he some communication with him is much more to enhance mutual understanding. How is it going to get other people's recognition then?

Should be concerned about people, love, respect, showing modest and polite side, so that students can not only eliminate your mind on the prntion and can make them more to support you, you.

I see.

In addition, honesty is one of the first virtue of a man to be frank, so as to he a good popularity.

Anyway, he a guest, the amount of, personal behior should be caring, honesty to others, I mean, right?

The relationship between your popularity so well, is how to do this, can teach me? Now, n an intimate friend I he not really troubled.

In fact nothing special, but in interaction with others when a few points to note.

My clasates often come into conflict because of differing views, the results of a long time, the intensification of the contradictions are deeper.

Interpersonal relationships, the inevitably come into conflict, correctly handle the contradiction must open our hearts understand each other in live time, to accommodate each other, learn to turning hostility into friendship.

It seems I he some communication with him is much more to enhance mutual understanding. How is it going to get other people's recognition then?

Should be concerned about people, love, respect, showing modest and polite side, so that students can not only eliminate your mind on the prntion and can make them more to support you, you.

I see.

In addition, honesty is one of the first virtue of a man to be frank, so as to he a good popularity.

Well It seems that you learn very quickly.


'Oh,'he sneered,'that's it! “ 嘿, ” 他冷笑一声, “ 原来如此!

So that's how it is!

"So, what happened next?" [那么,然后(发生什么事)呢?]

Ohh,so that’s it 原来如此!

口语的话,可以说: Ohh, I see~~~~

Oh, that's it.

Oh,so it is

so it is!



Reward points: 0 - There are 14 days away from the issue of the end of 23 hours



The original






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