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enough land什么意思 enough是什么意思?

关于enough land什么意思,enough是什么意思?这个很多人还不知道,今天怡怡来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

enough land什么意思 enough是什么意思?enough land什么意思 enough是什么意思?

enough land什么意思 enough是什么意思?

enough land什么意思 enough是什么意思?



3、濒危动物英文介绍1Many wild animals are in er of extinction because their environment has changed a lot. For example, with the dlopment of cities, the use of pesticides and serious pollution, their living areas become more and more narrow. At the same time, they are also facing food crisis.Human beings kill species only to obtain their fur, skin, horns, te and meat, and reserve land for enered animals. There are only so many land on earth, so what we can do is limited Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing and industry should be put first. Others think that some land should be set aside for enered animals.I think we should reserve some land for the worlds animals for the following reasons: first, the demand for land by human beings is growing. If this demand is not curbed in some way, human beings will ntually dlop all the ailable land on the earth at that time. There will be no more space for human beings to grow, and all wild animals and other valuable resources will disappear.Second, humans can innovate and use the land they already own in a more efficient way. Once their land is taken away, they will continue to survive. Enered animals are an important part of the biodiversity of our planet.If they disappear, we cant predict what impact they will he. Therefore, we should protect these animals as a valuable resource. Enered animals in the world are an important resource, and we should protect them through the following measures They set aside some land to protect them.Although the demand for land is growing, people he enough wisdom and creativity to make better use of the land they own. In this way, we can he enough land for agriculture, housing and industry, and protect biodiversity at the same time.中文翻译:许多野生动物正面临着灭绝的危险,因为它们所处的环境已经发生了很大的变化。







10、濒危动物英文介绍2To protect animals, ryone duty! This shouldnt be a slogan, but a word should be deeply impressed all people in the heart of a wake-up call.Once upon a time there was a first grade elementary student xiao Ming and his father go ting outside ry day, dont he time to study. As a result, his grades he been bad. Every night, his father will be to capture a few animals.His father to kill animals, xiao Ming is very sad. "Dad, dont kill animals again, you know how to kill animals is a serious matter? This will destroy the food chain, in the end, the damaged or we ah!" Xiao Ming said. His father stern said "so little know what? You he some time to get it! Your grade if you dont t, what to eat? How to send you to school?"Xiao Ming said that "ry time that I study hard, get a scholarship, you dont t?" "Yes, as long as your scholarship, I dont t" from then on, xiao Ming is to study hard ry day. Sure enough, in junior high school of time when school promised as long as he won first place in the examination will give him a scholarship. His father also keep your promise, no longer t.Even a first grade of primary school children know the truth, isnt so much the ter is in doubt? Has it r occurred to you, if you are an animal, human will kill you without a reason, would you be willing to? It must be thousands would not! As the saying goes "do as you would be done by." You dont like, that the animals would be willing to?Because ting, are now extinct, how many kinds of animals do you know? Already 800, the number looks all, but add up the number of each type of animal, you know how much is it? He you had? Destroy the food chain, is no good to human beings.Animals are prless treasure for human nature, all animals are humans good friends, why cant harmonious to get along in the same home? Their survival and our survival, he a close relationship. From now on, start from around each of us, to protect the animals toger!保护动物,人人有责!这不该是一句口号,而是一句应该深深印在所有人心里的一个警钟。







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