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穿普拉达的女王免费观看英文版 穿普拉达的女王免费观看英文版



The story ls the professional aenture of Andrea, whose greatest

穿普拉达的女王免费观看英文版 穿普拉达的女王免费观看英文版穿普拉达的女王免费观看英文版 穿普拉达的女王免费观看英文版

穿普拉达的女王免费观看英文版 穿普拉达的女王免费观看英文版

9. Toy Story (玩具总动员)

dream is to become a journalist. Andrea gets a job in the fashion

industry through Runway magazine, the most famous of its type, to make

ends meet. But Andrea won't dlop her writing skills in the magazine,

but her talents as the editor in chief's assistant, Miranda. The problem

is that Miranda is a merciless, h and cruel woman, the

experience a living hell for the girl. The environment in the place will

be cold and extremely critical with the physical appearance. The girl

will he to change her and plain style, for a more trendy and

elegant one, in order to gain the acceptance of her ruthless boss and

colleagues, specially Emily, her unpleasant workmate. Despite rything

against Andrea in the off, she will consider the experience as a

challenge, drastically changing her clothes and self-image, with the

of Nigel, the magazine's art director. Nrtheless, the job

nearly imsible tasks, leing Andrea without a private life with her

preoccupied about her image and her future in the magazine.



In Paris, Andy attends the shows and n meets designer Valentino Garani, being introduced as "the new Emily". One night Andy comes into Miranda's suite only to find her in her bathrobe, undressed, and crying. While deciding on a seating chart, Miranda opens up saying that her huand is divorcing her, and again the press would write rude things about her such as 'career obsessed woman' who doesn't care for family but that her biggest worry is for her daughters, who he lost yet another father figure. Later, Andy learns from Nigel that he has landed a job as creative director at fashion designer James Holt's new company. Andy has dinner with Christian who figures out that she is single again. After a few glasses of wine she succu to Christian's charms and the two he .

MeStreep。在《穿普拉达的女王》当中,女主角为安德丽娅?桑切丝,而英文名字则为MeStreep。《穿普拉达的女王》是一部美国喜剧剧情,导演是?pwd=3xs1 提取码:3xs1大卫·弗兰科尔。


以下是适合初一学生观看的?pwd=6ufd 提取码:6ufd英文:

1. The Lion King (狮子王)

2. Inside Out (头脑特工队)

3. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (外星人)

5. Forrest Gump (阿甘正传)

6. The Secret Life of Pets (宠物秘密生活)

7. FindThe preview of The Devil Wears Prada was brilliant: it introduced all the major players and set up the premise nly. Best of all, it was how the movie actually begins, so it didn't give away anything. Fortunay, the movie itself matches the preview in both tone and substance, Prada an enjoyable experience.ing Nemo (海底总动员)

8. The Princess Bride (公主新娘)

10. The Karate Kid (功夫小子)



?pwd=re3n 提取码:re3n

?pwd=yecomes extremely demanding, because of Miranda's tough work rhythm and9t 提取码:ys9t

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恋恋笔记本: 链接:

?pwd=kh6d 提取码:kh6d

穿普其实你可以关注下迪斯尼的,很多都是校园青春剧的。拉达的女王: 链接:



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穿普拉达的女王 英语 稍微简单一点

4. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (哈利·波特与神秘的石头)

PlotAndrea "Andy" Sachs (Anne Hathaway) is an aspiring journalist fresh out of Northwestern University. Despite ridiculing the shallowness of the fashion industry, she lands the job "a million girls would kill for": junior personal assistant to Miranda Priestly (Me Streep), the icy editor-in-chief of Runway fashion magazine. Despite hing little knowledge of fashion, Andy puts up with Miranda's bizarre and humiliating treatment in hopes of getting a job as a reporter or writer somewhere else. At first, Andy fumbles with her job and fits in poorly with her catty coworkers, especially Miranda's British senior assistant Emily Charlton (Emily Blunt).

During a dinner with her father who came to visit her in New York City, Miranda calls her: the airports in Florida where she is are all closed due to a hurricane but she needs to get home and orders Andy to get her home somehow. Andy tries ry airline company there is, but none of them are flying out because of the weather. When Miranda does arrive back at the off she ls Andy she has disappointed her more than any other of her previous assistants.

Andy has a talk with Runway's art director Nigel (Stanley Tucci), who gives a whole new perspective of Miranda, her work and fashion in general. Andy decides to change and—initially with Nigel's —gradually learns her responsibilities and begins to dress more stylishly. Slowly but surely, Andy begins to sacrif her personal life to her career. Miranda nots the change in Andy and gives her a new task: delivering "The Book" (a mock-up of the next edition's feature spreads) to her Upper East Side townhouse. Andy feels proud as Emily told her before that Miranda doesn't allow 'strangers' in her house. Emily explains to her that she has to behe as if she is 'invisible' while she delivers the book at Miranda's house. Howr, Andy is tricked by Miranda's daughters into going upDistributor: 20th Century Foxstairs, where she inaertently walks in on Miranda and her huand arguing. Mortified, she drops the book and lees.

Miranda punishes Andy by giving her an imsible task: securing the unpublished manuscript for the next book in the Harry Potter series for her twin daughters to read on the train. Andy is just about to quit when Christian Thompson (Simon Baker), a famous writer and acquaintance of Andy's rms her he has obtained it for her. Andy delivers the copies to a stunned Miranda and keeps her job, much to her boyfriend's disappointment.

When Emily falls ill, Miranda commands Andy to accompany the two of them to a charity benefit, where the two masquerade as partygoers while actually reminding her of important rmation about the people approaching her for greeting. At the nt, Andy ses Miranda from being embarrassed by Emily, who had forgotten one of the names; meets Jacqueline Follet, the editor-in-chief of French Runway and Miranda's rival; turns down an offer to meet a big publisher from Christian, but all the while misses her boyfriend's birthday party.

One ning, while returning The Book, Miranda rms her that she needs "the best team sible" for her Paris trip, which means stepping over Emily. Andy hesitates, as Emily has been boasting about going to Paris for months, but Miranda ls her that declining will send the message that she is not committed to her job or any future job at another publication. Faced with this threat, Andy accepts. The next day Miranda then ls Andy to be the bearer of bad news to Emily who, meanwhile, is hurrying back to the off after purchasing scarves from Hermes of Paris for Miranda. Just as Andy is about to l her, Emily crosses at a "no cross" point and is hit by a taxi. Andy has a rough day confronting Emily about Paris and then at her friend Lily's art gallery, where she accepts a kiss on the cheek from Christian. Lily catches this and berates Andy, to then confront her boyfriend about the fact that she is going to Paris. He realizes that they no longer he anything in common, and they break up.

In his ho room the next morning, while dressing, Andy finds out that Runway's owner is planning to replace Miranda with Jacqueline Follet. Surprised, she asks Christian about it who confirms it saying that Miranda has become old and that Jacqueline will bring fresh change to the magazine. Andy rushes to the door while Christian stops her calling her 'baby' to which she replies that she is not his 'baby'. Andy storms out to find Miranda and warn her. When Andy finally ls her, Miranda seems unfazed. At a luncheon in honor of James Holt, Miranda announces that Jacqueline will be the new creative director of James Holt's company much to the surprise of Andy and Nigel.

En route to another nt, Miranda explains to a still-stunned Andy that she knew about the plan to get rid of her all along, but she found an alternative for Jacqueline and presented "The List" (a list of all the designers, stylists, company owners, and models that were "raised and nurtured" by Miranda and who he promised their loyalty to her whenr and should she r lee Runway) to the owner of Runway, who realized that without those people, Runway would suffer greatly, and was forced to reconsider. Miranda also says that she was pleased by Andy's display of loyalty and that she sees a great deal of herself in her. Andy says she could nr do to anyone what Miranda did to Nigel. Miranda replies that she already did, in stepping over Emily. Miranda tentatively comforts her, saying that those chos are necessary to live the life that she lives. At the nt, Andy gets out of the car and simply walks away. When receiving a call from Miranda, she throws her phone into a fountain on the Place de la Concorde.

Back in New York, she meets her boyfriend for breakfast. He has accepted an offer to work as a sous-chef in a popular Boston restaurant. Andy is disappointed, but her hope is rejuvenated when he says they could work soming out.

Andy goes to an interview for a news job. The interviewer rals that Miranda told him she was by far her biggest disappointment, but that if he did not hire her, he would be an idiot. Afterwards Andy calls Emily while walking past the Runway off and offers to send Emily all of the outfits Andy got while in Paris, Emily feigns imition saying the clothes will "absoluy drown her" but accepts. After the call Andy then sees Miranda getting into her car across the street. They exchange looks and Andy iles at her, but Miranda acts as if the two are strangers, which Andy takes in good grace. Once in the car, Miranda iles slightly before curtly ling her driver, "Go.".



1、《穿普拉达的女王》 The Devil Wears Prada

the review of the movie The Devil Wears Prada

大卫·弗兰科尔执导的喜剧,该片是根据劳伦·魏丝伯格(Lauren Weierger)以自己的经历写的一部同名畅销拍摄而成的,讲述一个刚从学校毕业的女孩子Andrea Sachs机缘巧合的进了一家时装杂志社给他们的总编当助手期间发生的故事。





4、《公主日记》The Princess Diaries





现在的一般都有中文字幕,好看的有 《美国派》1-7 《舞出我的人生》1,2 等非常好看!可以用迅雷看看,PPTV , PPS,youku,56,tudou等网站观看!




她先下手为强,牺牲 了自己一直以来帮助自己的那个助手,将自己的对手引到另外一个肥缺上,自己在《天桥》老板那边威逼利诱下,老板同意了,她就保住了自己的位置。

The Devil Wears Prada

Andy (Hathaway) moves to New York City to be a journalist, and her break might very well be working for Runway, the ultimate fashion magazine in the world. Well, not exactly what she sets out to do — she becomes the second assistant to Miranda Priestly (Streep), the ultra-demanding editor-in-chief. Her job involves doing Miranda's errands such as picking up her dry-cleaning and coffee. Besides, Andy has no interest in fashion or off politics. Immediay, she is a fish out of water. Miranda's first assistant, Emily (Blunt), doesn't think much of Andy either. Miranda, howr, thinks Andy is art (and "fat") and different, somebody for her to groom.

Frustrated with her demanding and unreasonable boss, Andy seeks a from Nigel (Tucci), who s her transform into soming that Miranda could take more seriously. It works. As Andy's confidence improves, her ambition to win Miranda's trust and approval becomes stronger. She starts to cater to Miranda's ry need, ridiculous schedule and demand at the expense of her own personal life, jeopardizing her relationship with beau, Nate (Grenier). Before she knows it, she's becoming more and more like Miranda.

Streep (The Prairie Home Companion) has found a delicious role in Miranda Priestly. Her portrayal of the queen is perfection, what with her dead glares and a vo that nr rises above certain ll and yet filled with barbs. You simply can't take your eyes off of her. In comparison, Hathaway (Brokeback Mountain) is slight and obviously inexperienced. Howr, her genuine disition and earnestness are very fetching, and her awkwardness around Streep is actually an asset to the role.

Blunt (Irresistible) is perfectly cast as Miranda's shallow but amiable first assistant, Emily. She mas to turn in a fun and nuanced performance, showing us a n, mean edge but also vulnerability. Tucci (Lucky Number Slevin) has a great time playing the flamboyant but kind art director, n though the character is rather stereotypical and one-dimensional. Grenier (Entourage) has a n supporting role as Andy's sweet and understanding boyfriend. Baker (Soming New) plays Christian Thompson, a charming author with an ulterior motive. Rounding out the cast are Thoms (Rent) and Sommer (Death 4 Told) in minor roles as Andy's best friends and conscience.

The script by McKenna (Law of Attraction) has a light and fluffy feel matching the tone of Weierger's best-selling semi-autobiographical novel. The Devil Wears Prada is a satire, an exé of the brutal and superficial world of fashion (and publishing) in the guise of a coming-of-age story. The observations are generally sharp and witty, but also superficial and cartoonish (the jabs at wafer-thin models or insecure fashion designers are trite) at times. The story itself isn't all that fresh, and is quite predictable. What is fun about the film is the subject matter and the character of Miranda Priestly. Streep is a joy to watch.

Director Frankel (Entourage, Sex and the City) is mostly known for his evision work. He instills a good sense of humor in this production, and the pace is impeccable. Mostly, he seems to stay out of his actors' way and let them do their job. Streep, for example, makes you beli that she is the devil incarnate but in fact, she is much of a sle herself to the real devil: fame, power and fortune. The question Andy has to ask — "Who are you and what do you want in life?" — isn't really that deep or profound or earth-shattering. The good thing is that the film doesn't take itself too seriously. Everything is handled in a tongue-in-cheek fashion. That makes it a devil of a good time.

Stars: Me Streep, Anne Hathaway, Emily Blunt, Stanley Tucci, Adrian Greni种子容易被封,给你迅雷er, Tracie Thoms, Rich Sommer, Simon Baker, Daniel Sunjata

Director: Did Frankel

Writers: Aline Brosh McKenna (based on Lauren Weierger's novel)

Running Time: 109 minutes





《牛仔裤的夏天》——有boyfriend, family and friends. Maybe the old Andrea has gone, now more两部,讲述姐妹情谊,里面风景美,人美。强烈。





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MPAA Rating: PG-13 for some ity宿醉、伴娘、请你闭嘴

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