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英语口语考试文章高考真题 英语口语高考题目


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英语口语考试文章高考真题 英语口语高考题目英语口语考试文章高考真题 英语口语高考题目

Could you please rephrase that question/topic?

I'm not exactly sure what you mean...

I'm not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)...

That's a rather difficult question, but (maybe)...

Howr, it might be sible that

Maybe I can answer your question by ling you about a personal experience I had.

That's an interesti挺好考,献给一份简短的文章,随即问几个问题,很好回答,易得高分。只要不紧张,回答清楚很容易过ng question...

Let me see. Well, I supe that...

Well, I think there are 2 (or 3 or more) reasons

In my opinion there are three ways of looking at...

He I given you enough rmation?

Would you like me to l you more about...?

I can't think of anythiThis semester, I went to the Mountian Tai toger with my clasates. Very exicited, we were eager to reach the destination on the course by bus. We began to climb directly we got to the foot of the mountian. It was very late in the ning , but none of us felt tired. There were many visiters there, and all of us enjoyed the process of climbing the mountain. Eventually, we reached the top. Not only did we he a rest there, but we took sral pictures as well. Though very tired, we were very enjoyable about this unforgettable trip.ng else right now...

What I don,t know

GoodI'm sorry, but I don't know much about...bye

求一篇英语口语考试作文 ,急~~~,题目及要点如下,谢谢各位!


I think the most famous american symbols of usa are The Statue of Liberty(自由女神像),Barbie dolls(芭比娃娃), Mat Toy Company,Buffalo Nickel(野牛镍),Uncle Sam(山姆大叔).(记不住三个就 and so on). The Statue of Liberty is located in the Newyork City. The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States and is a universal symbol of and democracy. Of all the symbols,I like the Barbie dolls most. Barbie doll is very lovely and when I am a child,I played with it when I’m lonely. Even it can’t speak and act,it is one of my best friends.

Friends and Friendship

What do you think of friendship and how do you get 10、 行政管理it?

Do you prefer friends on the Internet or face to face?

It’s hard to find the best friendship in life,because best friends should has the special qualities. I value most in friendship are honest and comprehension.Honest is the root for friendship. Though it is easier to l a lie, it is difficult to keep it. In another way,a friend indeed is a friends in need. He must be comprehensive so that he can know your sadness as well as happiness. Because of honest,we can be friends,and becaue of comprehension,we can be the best friends. So the honest and comprehension is the way I get my friendship.

On Success

What do you think success is ?

What would you do to be a successful man\woman?

In my own understanding, success is a feeling when you are satisfied with your living at present, is the happiness when you make your dream come true at last . I he a lot of dreams actually,some are all and some are quite huge. My dream is to feel happiness and let the world feel happiness. The first part has already come true. To be success means to make my dream come true.

I am going to keep going and don't let other things beat me and my dreams. Dreams is really difficult to be done ,ryone needs to try best to make them come true, but to me ,dreams can be done in the end .

City life and Country life

What is the most serious challenge of living in big cities?

I prefer finding a job in a big city. in the cities, we he more opportunities.In cities there are many shops. There is no problem if I need to buy soming. If it isn't in one shop I can go to another one. In the village there are usually only few shops and n the only one with the necessary foods. But cities aren't only centres of shopping but there are also many offs. Of course all the good schools are in cities. People in the cities can find a now job more easily than people in the country.

By contrast, Citizens he to put up with noise, harmful oke and dirt. The air is not clean enough for people, especially in the downtown areas. The majority of citizens are tired of overcrowded conditions and bad environments.

Teacher-student RelationshipWhat do you think are the qualities of a good teacher?How to achi a good Teacher-student relationship? (cooperation in class, mutual understanding and respect)The qualities of a good teacher I think ,first of all,she or he must be patient enough to adjust his or her students'mistakes ,bad habits or bad tempers. second,I think he or she must be kind and easy going,though strict is needed sometimes,but be too strict will frighten the students,and make them think you are not reliable and feasible.Just make yourself be their friend and they will trust you,and listen to you. finally I think that a good teacher should set good examples to his or her students so that he or she can get respect .and be the leader of the students As a student, it's good for us to cooperate with teacher,this is symbol of respecting teacher and ourselves.of course ,the respect is the mutual respect,and i want to say that the good behiors of students will also give teacher some confidence ,encouragement ,and i think this is the largest satisfaction the teachers want to gain from students . Lottery Tickets

Supe you won 0.3 billion yuan, what would you do with the money?

Do you think money is rything?

I would use the money to realize my dream. My dream is to feel happiness and let the world feel happiness. Winning the lottery has already made me happy, so I would try to do soming meaningful,like others who can’t afford school, the people who are poor. I can make full use of it to make more money to do the more ful and meaningfull things.

Though money is important in our life,is not the most important thing in our life.Money can buy a bed,but can't buy a good sleep. Money can buy a house,but can't buy a close home.Money can buy a lot of things,but can't buy health.Is that right? So money isn't rthing in our life.I think it just a kind of useful thing.In a peaceful world,the most important thing in our life is to others,make听力环节是整个口试的部分,主要测试考生的听力理解能力。这一环节共包括两个部分,即短文听力和对话听力。考生需要在规定时间内仔细聆听录音并回答相关问题。口语环节是整个口试的第二部分,主要测试考生的口语表达能力。 our world more beautiful.Maybe one day,we all live in love with our goodness,joy and delight.Mqybe one day we all share in joy and celebrate in light!


Describe a place that has deeply impressed you.

Where do you want to visit most?

I would like to visit Paris. Because people say that Paris is a very romantic city. Paris people are also very romantic,I know this through the news. I want to breathe the romantic air in Paris city and also become a romantic person.

How to Prepare for Earthquakes?

1) He you r experienced an earthquake?

2) What would you do if an earthquake happened?

I hen’t experienced an earthquake. But I he a deeply impression of Sichuan's earthquake. Wenchuan,a all city,was destroyed by the earthquake.Many people were buried underground.Many houses were collapsed.The army came to people ,sed some people who were buried underground.People said thanks to them.When the earthquake happened, I would run outside as soon as sible and stay in the open fields. If I can’t get out the house,I should choose a safe place to protect myself,saying the corner of the house. After the earthquake, I would try my best to others and rebuild my homeland. About Death

Supe you are suffering from a fatal illness and will die in no more than one year, what do you want to do most during this period?

At the moment when your life is coming to the end, who would you choose to stay with?

I really prefer staying with my parents during the last time. After high school,I rarely spent lot of time staying my mother and father. Especially after I entered into university,there is no more than a week that I am at home. I love my mother and father,they are my lovest people in the world. Now I quite miss them and appreciate the time we stay toger.

On Sexual Equality

Do you think women are less int, less capable than men? Why or why not ?

In my opnion,we women are as int as men,no less capable than men. Women are playing an increasingly important part in the society today. First, they do the same work as men and get the same pay. In almost all the working fields, where there are men, there are women. And they are taking more responsibilities for the work they do than before. Second, women are playing a more and more important part in politics. There are many female stateswomen, female diplomats in the modern world. Third, women now take part in almost all social activities.

It is sible for woman to be successful. In the modern society,konwledge plays more and more important role in success. So the ability to learn can lead one’s career. Women he no problem in learning,so it is sible for woman to be successful.


Is it sible for 四、回答问题a woman to be successful in her career and take good care of her





考试目的:是测试考生在真实的语言环境下,完成交际任务的能力和水平,重点测试考生“说、读”的基本功及能力水平。考试对象为 2018年报考外语专业及其他要求外语口试专业的考生。

外语口试内容一般为朗读、就所读故事回答问题、口头作文等。朗读主要考查考生的语音、语CET-SET 考试分三部分:调、重读、停顿等。回答问题主要考查考生的理解能力、表达能力等。





然后老师会拿起你的口试试题(所以一拿到之后就赶紧看题,并想),在其中任意挑选一道题(这些口实题目非常简单,比如:“What is your fourite food?)你从容不迫地回答就行,不用紧张,稍稍准备一下就可以拿到120以上的高分。






11、 金融学


Part One Quick Response 10%

Part Two Question Raising 20%

Part Three Reading通过书面、口头提问或实际作等方式,考查参试者所掌握的知识和技能的活动,即:“非开卷考试,除了题目,任何东西都不能看地做功课”。 10%

Part Four Topic Talking 30%

Part Five Picture Describing 30%

部分Quick Response(10%)



第二部分Question Raising(20%)


Mary has just returned from Australia.You plan to go there too.Ask her about the countryor anything you are interested in.(情景)

●Which place would you

recommend me to visit there?(考生)(特殊疑问句)●Is it easy to apply for scholarship in Australia?(考生)(一般疑问句)












部分:读句子或模仿跟读第二部分:朗读英语短文 第三部分:老师就短文内容提出几个问题 第四部分:就日常生活或简单问题提出一个问题,自由发挥,一般不少于十句。(这是《石家庄外语翻译职业学院教你如何度过高考英语口试关》上边写的)今天我刚参加的,不过我参加的就考了:跟读句子,回答为题,还有就是自由发挥。或许不同的考生有一些不同吧(猜测) 都是很简单的英语。阅读就一个单词不认识,不过我猜应该是公理的意思。别紧张 没事的 大概靠五分钟吧 《石家庄外语翻译职业学院教你如何度过高考英语口试关》这个去了会有人给你的

答: 河北高考外语口试考英语阅读




问题一:高考填报志愿。都什么专业需要英语口语考试 不多只有英语专业,我学经济与贸易的,对英语要求很高,120分以上还必须过六级,可是对口试都没有要求,其实口试很简单,去考,有备无患

问题二:哪些专业需要英语口语考试 外贸、外经以及语言类的学科和外语专业的都需要口语,比如英语翻译,英语教育,商务英语等,其它的专业一般都不用考口语. 经济与贸易,金融这3个专业 需要口语。

问题三:大学哪些专业需要口语考试? 一般所有大学的英语类专业都需要,但有部分学校的经管类和会计类专业也要口语成绩,例如经贸大学,上海经贸大学,其他的理工类专业肯定不需要,如果你是文科生的话就去考一下口语吧,万一要考以上专业就会有更大的选择余地,反正也不难考。你也可以去看看自己想报考的大学的招生简章,有需要口语成绩的专业他们都会明确说明的


问题四:大学里哪些专业是需要口试成绩的? 需要外语口试成绩的专业有哪些? 近年来高校招生中,需要外语口试的院校和专业主要集中在,外语类和经贸类。具体专业大致有:语言类的英语、法学、法语、德语、日语、西班牙语等,经济与贸易、旅游管理、、信息管理与信息系统、对外汉语、翻译、法学等等。 当然不是所有院校的上述专业都需要外语口试成绩,具体要看当年各校的招生章程。例如,《对外经济贸易大学2013年本科招生章程》中就明确规定:“报考我校所有专业均需加试外语口试(个别省市不加试外语口试除外),口试的组织以及口试内容和成绩由考生所在地招生部门负责。” 怎么能知道,哪些院校的哪些专业是必须要加试外语口语的呢?这里有一个简单的方法,要提醒大家知道。五月份发到考生家长手中的《普通高等学校招生专业目录》中详细说明 “凡报考注有‘▲’的专业,均须加试外语口语。”所以,凡是在专业目录中,看到标有实心黑三角的专业,都是需要外语口试成绩的。考生可以根据自己的情况选报。

问题五:需要外语口试成绩的专业有哪些 需要外语口试成绩的专业有哪些





问题六:哪些专业需要考英语口语 不是说具体那个专业,有的很明显要考的,例如外语系 涉外相关专业,但是还有其他很多专业跟学校有关,同一个专业,有的学校要求有口语成绩,有的学校又没有要求,不能一概而论!

我建议你仔细翻翻2011年的一般有两个小问(5W1H)和五个简单疑问句(Yes or No类型)《报考指南》,现在基本都下来了,上面有各个高校明确的规定。如果规定要口语的,而你没有那是不行的!

问题七:什么专业需要英语口语测试成绩? 建议不要错过任何一个可以抓住的机会。外贸类、涉外的、商务外语,口译、同声传译、外语广播类、电视广播类,具体的要看招考院校了。

问题八:什么专业需要英语口试 1、 外国语学院的的大部分专业: 如:外国语学院

广东外语外贸大学 对外经贸大学 西安外国语学院

2、 外国语种(小语种:如日语、俄语、韩语等)

3、 外交学(组织)

5、 对外汉语

6、 法学

7、 商务

9、 会计学

12、 保险

13、 工商This is the most important thing in one's life. It's a hope of all over the world.管理

14、 英语教育

15、 商务英语

17、 信息管理与信息系统(IT项目管理)



3.高考口试没通过(或者成绩不太好),是会在一定程度上影响高考录取的,但如果你高考英语或其它科目笔试成绩还可以,一些高校可能还是会I prefer a friend face to face. Because internet must he some erous fact, it’s too easy to l a lie on the net. Some aantages friends face to face can’t be placed by the net. So I prefer friend face to face.根据专业录取你的,所以不要太担心(自己尽力考试就好了:)





(1)朗读 10%

(2)快速应答 10%

(3)情景提问 20%

(4)谈话 30%

(5)看图说话 30%


问题十:都是什么专业需要口试呢? 50分 外语专业,播音,主持专业


2、“人机对话”模式,是指由电脑代替英语教师扮演考官的角色,所I can’t choose the time of my life,but I can choose the way of my living. At that time,I would know the essence of life. I would do the things I had looked forward to before,enjoyed ry minute and second. For example I might trel ar扩展资料口试模式ound the world,at the same time I would donate all my things to the people who were in need,especially organs.有考题和指令均由电脑发出,考生根据从耳机中听到的或在电脑屏幕上看到的指令和要求回答问题。计算机会自动将考生在考试中回答问题时所有语音信息进行录音并保存。



高考英语口语考试 求对话~~~紧急~










About the text I've learned


After learning the text talking about cloning technology, I thought a lot. Therefore, I wrote down what came into my mind in my diary:


The DNA of children is from their parents. If my mother has a iling mouth, so will I he the similar one; If my father owns big eyes, I will also he ones; If my mother is short, I'll probably be short, too. My parents he black hair, so my hair will also be black. I want to clone myself very much. In that way, I won't he to go to school.Instead of that, I could play all the time, and the cloning "I" would go studying in place of me.


my hometown is a beautiful place and i love it. Howr, many years ago, it was different. At that moment, people lived a poor life with old houses. The pollution was serious, rubbish was seen rywhere and it wasn't convinient to go anywhere at all, which caused few visitors to came to here to spend their holidays. With the time passing, great changes took place.Now, we live in tall and ample buildings, n many people he bought their own cars.what around us is the clearer sky and more green water. what's more, there are thousands of visitors come to here all over the world. i love my hometown very much


Ienjoy reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in them.

Two years ago, I didn't like reading very much. I had plenty of time, but I spent lots of time on playing with comrs. When I was very young, I didn't think reading book was interesting, because I found nothing more interesting than the comr s.

I've changed now. I enjoy reading novels, because there're lots of interesting stories. I love to read Harry Potter. That's a good novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in England. I'm always lose myself in the interesting stories.

I hate the words like "to be continued" in a novel. That makes me very sad, because I don't know the end of the story. I also hate the words like "the end", because I want to read more. Some of my friends think that I'm strange.

Maybe you can find the interesting things in a book, so don't waste your time in the comrs any more. If yoead very much, you抣l get lots of knowledge.


Zhang Ying is my good friend. She’s in Class1, Grade4 of Tianjiao Primary School. She’s a model student. She’s clr and she’s ful, too. She often s teachers and young students at school. She is good at Chinese, maths, English, arts and crafts, music and so on. She has a lot of hobbies. She likes painting and drawing. And she likes listening to music, hing picnics with her parents. Oh yeah, she likes fishing, too. But she doesn’t like playing basketball, football, table tennis or volleyball. Zhang Ying is the best friend of mine. I like playing with her. We always work toger and each othe


16、 翻译





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