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be in love 恋爱

我爱你,妈I love you,mom妈


"I love you, mom, so he a wicked n mother's day"



love ybe in love with v.at love 【网球】未丢一分地与...恋爱,迷恋ou

1.I love thee to the depth and breadth and height;My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight我爱你尽我的心灵所能及到的;深邃、宽广、和高度--正象我探求

2.All I'm trying to say is, I love you.我所说的这一切就是,我爱你。

3.His final words to me were, "I love you. " The doctors put him on a respirator, but they said it was only a matter of hours.他对我说的一句话是:“我爱你。”医生给他用了呼吸器,他们说只能维持几个小时了。

4.There, on the bedside table, was a large Valentine card from Bill. You know, the sentimental kind that says, “To my wonderful wife... I love you.”我看见,床头桌上放着一张比尔给她的大大的情人节贺卡——就是那种充满柔情蜜意的贺卡,上面写着:“给我出色的妻子……我爱你。”

5."I love you" does not always he the same meaning, and this, too, should l us soming about the elusive nature of love.“我爱你”总是有许多不同的含义,而这也正是好让我们了解到爱情那种令人费解的本性。

6."When the little girl was growing up, the great man would hug her and l her, ""I love you, little girl. ""随着女孩渐渐长大,大好人仍会拥抱她,并不时告诉她:""我爱你,小女孩。"



in love with 爱上,与…相爱

love for vt.对...的热爱

for the love of 为了…起见,看在…的面上

love of vt.对...的爱好

with love 因爱情而…,(信末用语)良好的祝颂

in love 有相爱的人 同义参见: affectionate


我for love 为了爱[兴趣],由于爱好而做某事 无报酬地爱你英语是:I love you

“I Love You!”中文意为“我爱你”

“I like you !”中文意为“我喜欢你”,表达对一个人的喜爱之情,表达方式较为常见。

"I love you" does not always he the same meaning, and this, too, should l us soming about the elusive nature of love.“我爱你”总是有许多不同的含义,而这也正是好让我们了解到爱情那种令人费解的本性。

His final words to me were, "I love you. " The doctors put him on a respirator, b例句ut they said it was only a matter of hours.他对我说的一句话是:“我爱你,”医生给他用了呼吸器,他们说只能维持几个小时了。

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