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First to establish self-confidence.

He to do :


1\go to school on time

2\respect all the teachers

3\show kind-heart to all creatures in the ground

4\say "hello" when not any teacher in fronDon't he to do :t of you

2\beat with others

3\late for school

4\cheapt at any examination

5\noise in rywhere

6\lift out the regularation

be quiet in the library.

don't drink or eat in the comr room.

don't push in the hallway.

don't walk on the grass in the garden.

don't waste food in the can.

On the student instrument. 学生着装得体,坐正立直,行走稳健,谈吐文明。 Students to dress appropriay, sit still stand straight, walk strong, civilized conversation. 提倡穿校服,奇装异服,男生不留长发,女生不烫发、不化妆,不佩戴首饰,高跟鞋。 Promote wear uniforms, do not wear bizarre dress, boys do not he long hair, girls do not perm, no makeup, do not wear jewelry, do not wear high heels. 凡触犯此条者给予留校察看一年处分。 Any breach of this provision shall be given probation for one year sanctions.

关于早晨起床后事宜。 Matters on the morning after. 先洗漱,然后搞好个人卫生,走读生要整理好自己的房间,住宿生要清整好宿舍,物放有序,被褥整齐。 First wash, then do a good job personal hygiene, day students should organize its own house, boarders should clear the whole good quarters, and material release order, blankets neatly. 触犯此条者予以警告处分。 Those who violate this provision shall be warning.

关于进入教室。 On entering the classroom. 进教学楼前,要在脚踏板上把鞋上泥土擦干净,要进右侧门,推门要轻,慢步轻声右侧道行。 Into the teaching front of the pedal board to wipe the shoes on the soil, go into the right side of the door, pushed open the door to light, gentle walking softly on the right Daoxing. 触犯此条者通报批评。 Criticized those who violate this provision.

关于维护校园秩序。 On the maintenance of campus order. 不大声喧哗,不跑跳,不打闹、打球,不可远离教室,不许吹口哨,不吃泡泡糖,上厕所要手纸入厕,便后冲洗便池。 No loud noises, no running and jumping, not slapstick, playing ball, not far from the classroom, not allowed to whistle, do not eat gum, toilet to toilet going to the toilet, then flush the toilet after. 触犯以上规定者给予记过处分,未经老师允许,不许进入学校办公区或进入办公区厕所。 Violate these regulations shall be given demerit without teacher permission, not allowed to enter the school off or enter the off toilet. 触犯此条者给予警告处分。 Violate this provision shall be given warning.

关于就餐。 About dinner. 要遵守饭厅秩序,依次排队打饭,不得跑步向饭厅,不得加塞、拥挤、吵闹;不在楼道内、宿舍内、教室内就餐或吃零食;高一年级按作息时间规定去饭厅打饭,高二、高三依次推后五分钟步行至食堂打饭。 Order to comply with dining room, followed by queue Da Fan, not running to the dining room, no stopper, crowded, noisy; not in the corridor, the dorms, dining or snacking in the classroom; high rest time in accordance with the provisions of the first grade to the dining room Da Fan, sophomore, Middle School in turn pushed back five minutes walk to the can Da Fan. 触犯以上规定者给予警告处分。 Violate these regulations shall be given warning.

关于午休或午睡。 On lunch break or a nap. 午饭后为午休时间,该时间内不准洗衣服,不准在洗漱间洗澡,不准在宿舍内听收音机、录音机,不准进行各种娱乐活动。 After lunch was siesta time, the time allowed to wash clothes, are not allowed to bathe in the wash rooms are not allowed in the dormitory listening to the radio, cassette recorders, are not allowed to carry out a variety of recreational activities. 触犯此条者给予批评教育。 Violate this provision shall be given critici and education.

关于课外活动。 On extracurricular activities. 在宿舍内不准打扑克、下象棋、看有害身心健康的书籍报刊,不准收看不健康的音像制品。 Not allowed to play cards in the dorms, playing chess, watching harmful physical and mental health of the print media, audio-visual products are not allowed to watch unhealthy. 触犯此条者给予批评教育。 Violate this provision shall be given critici and education.

关于晚就寝制度。 Bed on the night. 住宿生在回宿舍途中不勾肩搭背,不许跑跳追赶,不许边走边大声说笑,要有秩序地步入宿舍。 Boarders in the dormitory is not Goujiandabei way, not allowed to run free to catch up, and not to noisy while walking, there must be an orderly into the dormitories. 触犯此条者给予严重警告处分。 Violate this provision shall be given a serious warning.

关于教室管理制度。 On classroom mament . 窗帘上面挂好,悬垂平整,须开灯期间窗帘必须挽起,并要求所有窗帘挽起高度一致,挽结在窗户中间处。 Curtains g above, hanging flat to turn on the lights during the curtain to roll up, and all curtains roll up a high degree of consistency, rolled knot in the middle of the window. 触犯此条给予通报批评。 Breach of this provision to give not of critici.


关于出行。 On the trip. 走读生上学前与家长打招呼,路上骑自行车走慢行道,步行要走人行道,3人以上成纵队,右侧道行不逆行,不要边走边说话,注意安全。 Day students and parents before school to say hello on the road bike to go slow way street, walking the sidewalk to go, three or more into the column, right Daoxing not retrograde, do not walk and talk, pay attention to safety. 住宿生出宿舍不要跑跳,不要拥挤,上下楼梯不要并行,靠右侧行走。 Do not give birth to dormitory accommodation, run, do not crowd, do not parallel up and down stairs, walking on the right. 前者触犯校规,予以通报批评,后者予以警告处分。 The former violating rules, to be criticized, which is to be warning.

一直附和别人降低存在感。《第二十二条校规》是一个剧本杀,剧本中的李萱萱是真相高中(6)开除学籍 。的学生,学习成绩很一般,能考进真相高中是不容易的,她主要是把蒋温灵推下了天台,只需要提前捡起掉在地上的戒指并一直附和别人的话,就能很好的隐藏自己,赢得胜利。


We must be bold in "hard money" and not to doubt their own.


4, Division for more than an example;

根据《普通高等学校学生管理规定》第五十二条 学生有下列情形之一,学校可以给予开除学籍处分:










《普通高等学校学生管理规定》第五十六条 对学生作出取消入学资格、取消学籍、退学、开除学籍或者其他涉及学生重大利益的处理或者处分决定的,应当提交办公会或者授权的专门会议研究决定,并应当事先进行合法性审查。

第五十七条 除开除学籍处分以外,给予学生处分一般应当设置6到12个月期限,到期按学校规定程序予以解除。解除处分后,学生获得表彰、奖励及其他权益,不再受原处分的影响。








留校察看以一年为期。受留校察看处分的学生,一年内有显著进步表现的,可解除留校察看 ;经教育不改的可勒令退学或开除学籍。












1\litter or spit in the schoolyard


In order to win, you may he to do some things themselves do not want to do.














West Point training: punctual, and law-abiding strictly, integrity and strength.

西点军校 的校训和校规West Point motto

Official motto: duty, honor, country.

Students honor criteria:

Not lying, deception, burglary, and must not tolerate such acts of others.

Not to shirk responsibility.

Selfless devotion.

School Motto:

Will be to serve our people, the Government and the community should be very clear understanding of the engineering, natural sciences and human sciences should be balanced dlopment it is necessary to form a reasonable knowledge structure, but also strive in their own interest, expertise in the academic and form their own professional expertise.

Strengthened to update their knowledge, establish a "life-long education" concept has become times of joy.

"Ignorance" - knowledge eager nr see themselves as students, asked some "stupid question."

Learning from others, from the books, if not more important study, and that at least equally important.

We must make full use of their spare time in life, not to allow any one of the self-dlopment opportunities slip.

Every student, not lying, deception, theft, and will nr tolerate other people to do so.

Collective or individual should be subordinated to the greater whole, subject to forces, subject to a team.

Discipline and the military capacity of our troops than other schools n more stringent local requirements.

The most important thing is, when can stick to the key principles.

And fulfill their duties than the spirit of personal prestige is more important.

The world badly in need of such personnel, in any case they can overcome all obstacles to complete tasks.

What we he to do is to guard West Point discipline, rather than instructors time monitoring students.

"Devils" hidden in the details, should nr overlook any details.

Do not condone their own, find excuses for himself.

Even if it is for their own all point restraint, people will become strong.

Tolerate unfair Institute, the Institute due dice.

If fully beli in themselves, nothing can be durable enough.

Wait for the much more difficult than doing things.

He confidence, seize their own future.

Do not sink, in any environment you can choose to rise.

Patience of the people into a disaantage.

Not convinced that breakthrough, the first cho is to wait.

If you do not he a cho, then brely Yingshangqu.

Responsibility, honor, country!

To Lincoln as an example, draw on his experience of life and the spirit of struggle.

As long as you do not admit defeat will he the opportunity!

To dlop the capacity of all aspects, including the tragic fate of the capacity.

Impulse is not the real es character.

Adapt, and adapt to the environment, rather than to you.

After rigorous training is the only way to self-perfection.

Speed determine success or failure.

And not be afraid of a crazy idea, as long as you make efforts.

Victory is among the most tenacious people.

Should he the courage to overcome all fear.

Would like to thank the life of aersity and suffering.

Take the initiative to temper themselves, must cultivate fruit character.

To immediay take action without delay.

In the reality of fear, is far aller than in the imagination of the terrorist so terrible.

Goals must be clear, faith must be firm.

Only their own do know that success is sible.

Done a truly fearless person.

To defeat terror, and not flinch.

Losers of its failure to create successful success.

Nothing is imsible - "no way" or "imsible" is often mediocre and the lazy excuse.

Success began awakening, decide the fate mentality.

No individuals, the crisis comes, must break the conventional thinking.

To make good use of experience rather than by their shackles.

We should dare to whimsical.

As many mental and physical, less effort.

To maintain the "-minded" and the courage to Quan so-called "imsible" things.

The correct strategy and tactics more important than superior force.

22 Army Regulation

1, unconditional implementation;

2, work without an excuse;

3, the details determine success or failure;

5, the principle of honor;

6, welcome;

7, at cooperation;

8, teark;

9, only the first;

10, to take risks;

11, the general spirit of而因为饮酒或者酒后滋事受处分的学生,严重的将会被开除学籍。 the fire;

12, and continuously improve their own;

13, the bre of the ;

14, go all out;

15, dutifully;

16, is imsible;

17, nr give up;

18, dedicated to the soul;

19, for their struggle;

20, the concept of the supremacy;

21, spontaneous;

22, to take immediate action.

















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