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Another round of College Entrance Examination has ended. I chatted with one of my neighbor who was worried about the exam few days ago. She told me that she was very anxious and afraid of the failure. I comforted her and told her my feeling when I confronted the big nt in my life. One thing is definable: being tense is a normal thing among the students who were meeting the crossroad in their life though many people said that the entrance examination can not decide your fate. In my opinion, that election is meaningful in a degree. At least, it decides where you will spend your next four years. In fact, as a college student who had experienced the examination, I he the doubt that wher we looked the exam too upon that we missed soming beautiful and interesting in our life. But do as Romans do, since we chosen this way, we should make it meaningful and cherish what we he by now.



WendI’m pleased to hear thaI’m writing to thank you for your during my stay in America.t you’re coming to China for a visit.y

英语作文 “The Importance of a Good Education” 120词左右


[1]A good education plays a very important role in1 one's life,as well as in the dlopment of our society.


[3]Secondly,with the dlopment of education,society will aance4 more quickly in the areas of science and technology,which in turn s to bring about5 a brighter future for our society.


[4]Therefore,we must pay close attention to education,and make more efforts to6 dlop our country's education.


Here are the reasons. First... Second... Finally...(列出2~3个的理由)





【【篇二】2021高考英语作文范文导语】成功的路上没有撒满鲜花和阳光,相反却总是要经历坎坷与磨难。只有沿着目标坚持不懈地去奋斗,才能享受成功的喜悦。想要作文写的好,作文素材是必不可少的 。以下是为大家整理的《2021高考英语作文范文》供您查阅。


I started primary school when I was six years old. My primary school was very close to my home. School started at eight in the morning and finished at half past four in the afternoon. There was a lunch breakfrom elve o'clock to o o'clock and I used to go home for lunch. Some other children did the same as me. We used to play table tennis toger in the playground before afternoon classes started. When I was at primary school, I learned reading, writing and maths.

When I was elve, I sat the entrance examinationto junior secondary school. I felt worried before I heard the results. I was very pleased when I heard that I had passed successfully. When I was at junior secondary school, I learned Chinese, maths, history, geography and English. My fourite subject was history. The history teacher was very kind and used to l us interesting stories.

When I was fif, I sat the entrance examination for senior secondary school. While I was waiting for the result, I again felt very worried. When I passed this examination, I was given my first bicycle. I had to cyclefive kilometres to school ry morning. After I went to senior secondary school, I worked very hard. For example, I did three hours homework ry ning. Howr, senior secondary school was not only hard work. At the weekends, I was able to he time off to play football and table tennis.

the seats in our school reading-room are not enough for all the students. many people get there very early to "seize" a seat ry day. so do i. one day a "special" thing happened to me. and i learned a lesson that i shall nr fet.

it happened on a wednesday morning last january, just before our final examation. i got to the reading-room very early to occupy a seat. i put a book on the desk and then went to he breakfast. but when i hurried back into the reading-room, i found someone was sitting on the seat which i had occupied in aance. i ran to him immediatly and shouted at him angrily, "go away. it's my seat." ryone raised their eyes and stared at me unfriendly. my face turned red and i felt ashamed of myself. i took my book and fled helter-skelter before so many eyes.

the seats in our school reading-room are not enough for all the students. in order to "seize" a seat, i go there very early ry morning. just because of this, a special story happened to me one day. i learned a lesson in the reading-room that i will remember all my life.

this is the lesson i've learned in the reading-room: i shall respect other people.

it has been estimated that okers he made up half of the population in china. and the okers are being younger and younger, n ineluding some middle school students.

nowadays more and more people he realized oking can do harm to people'shealth. howr, some people still enjoy oking. why? because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others, think that oking can refresh themselves.

in fact, oking is a bad habit. it can cause a lot of diseases. meanwhile oking is a waste of money. besides, careless okers may cause erous fires.

oking is harmful and it is not only bad for okers themselves, but also bad for non- okers.

therefore, i hope all the okers can give up oking for themselves and also for the people around them.

it is said that there are about half of people in china are oking.many young boys and girls he the habit of oking, though they are middle school students.

as we all know, oking does great harm to human beings. more and more people he e to realize how serious this problem is. but they are nr bored with it. some people think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others think that oking can refresh themselves.

in order to keep healthy, wAll the teachers and students are required to attend it.e should get rid of the bad habit of oking. please stop oking at once.



距离高考还有九十来天,在保证英语单词量的基础上,夯实语法是目前最紧迫的事,因为语法是英语写作的基础呦。以下是我们【鸿文教育】英语教研团队专门针对英语高考作文总结的一些内容和应对策略,希望对您备考能有所帮助!p.s.预祝高考取得佳绩哈~~~【作文类型】(一)图表作文1、仔细审题,看懂图表的意思,整理要点,决定语言形式;2、开头直截了当,尽快入题,不要拐弯抹角,拖泥带水;3、行文一般以10个句子为宜。若用少于8句话来表达,句子容易表达不清;4、用最有把握的词语句型将规定内容加以表达,并根据图表大意议论;5、应按照合理顺序,适当使用一些过渡性的连接词,将句子连珠成串;6、结尾要干净利落,既不能拉杂,也不能草率,要显得自然,恰当得体。(二)提示议论文文章开头,能依据提示确立主题句(topic)阐明观点或看法,使用连接词分层次说I know I'm a high school student now, and that means I need to work hard. In this semester, I will try my best to get used to high school life and study very hard.明理由、缘由(supportingsentences),归纳总结,首尾呼应。(三)记叙文一般说来有时间、地点、人物、、原因和结果六要素,写作时要明白清楚地给予表达。记人时,要注意介绍人物的身世、经历和事迹等。叙事时要描写事情发生与发展的过程。(四)应用文主要以写信为主。英文书信由6个部分组成。它们是信头、信内地址、称呼、正文、结束语、签字。格式一定要正确。信的正文和写文章一样,要分段写,每一段有一个中心思想。【写作步骤】(一)确定文体(二)确定时态和人称(三)词汇和结构(四)整理成篇,行文连贯【如何写出“亮点”】(一)改变句子的开头方式,不是一味地都是主语开头,接着是谓语、宾语,再加一个状语。可以把状语置于句首,或用分词作状语等。试比较下面的句子:1、(原文)MybrotherandIwenttothecinemabybicycleotherday.(修正)TheotherdaymybrotherandIwenttothecinemabybicycle.2、(原文)Theyoungmancouldn’tcryingwhenheheardthebadnews.(修正)Hearingthebadnews,theyoungmancouldn’tcrying.(二)在整篇文章中,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如强调句、主从复合句、分词短语、倒装句、省略句等。(三)通过分句和合句,增强句子的连贯性和表现力。1、(原文)Hestoppedusanhourago.Hemadeuscatchthenextoffender.(修正)Hestoppedushalfanhouragoandmadeuscatchthenextoffender.2、(原文)Wehadashortrest.Thenwebegantoplayhappily.Wesanganddanced.(修正)Afterashortrest,wehadgreatfunsinginganddancing.(四)使用过渡词语1)表示并列递进:and,also,aswellas,besides,what’ore,moreover,furthermore,etc.2)表示转折:but,yet,howr,although,nrtheless,inspiteof,afterall,etc.3)表示因果:because,as,for,since,forthisreason,becauseof,so,therefore,thus,asaresult4)表示对比:or,otherwise,like,unlike,onthecontrary,while,ontheotherhand,insteadof,etc.5)表示总结:inall,inbrief,onthewhole,inshort,ingeneral,inoneword,tosumup,inconclusion,etc.【写作模板】一、写作常用句式1.Ingeneral,Idon’tagreewith2.Inmyopinion,thispointofviewdoesn’tholdwater.3.Thechiefreasonwhy…isthat…4.Thereisnotruat…5.Itisnottruat…6.Itcanbeeasilydeniedthan…7.Wehenoreasontobelithat…8.Whatioreseriousisthat…9.Butitispitythat…10.Besides,weshouldnotneglectthat…11.Buttheproblemisnotso.Therefore…12.Otherayfindthistobetrue,butIbelirthat…13.PerhapsIwasquestionwhy…14.Thereisacertainamountoftruthinthis,butwestillheaproblemwithregardto…15.Thoughweareinbasicagreementwith…,but16.Whatseemstobetroubleis…17.Yetdifferenceswillbefound,that’swhyIfeelthat…18.Itwouldbereasonabletotakeviewthat…,butitwouldbefoolishtoclaimthat…19.Thereisinfactonreasonforussobelithat…20.Whatthesepeoplefailtoconsideristhat…21.Itisoningtoinsistthat…,itisquiteanothertoshowthat…22.WonderfulasAis,howr,ithasitsowndisaantagestoo.23.TheaantagesofBaremuchgreaterthanA.24.A’saantagesoundsridiculouswhenB’saantagesaretakenintoconsideration.二、用于描写图表和数据1.Ithasincreasedbythreetimesascomparedwiththatof1998.2.Thereisanincreaseof20%intotalthisyear.3.Ithaeenincreasedbyafactorof4since1995.4.Itwouldbeexpectedtoincrease5times.5.Thetableshowsathreetimesincreaseoverthatoflastyear.6.Itwasdecreasedtwthanthatoftheyear1996.7.Thetotalnumberwasloweredby10%.8.Itrosefrom10-15percentofthetotalthisyear.9.Comparedwith1997,itfellfrom15to10percent.10.Thenumberis5timesauchasthatof1995.11.Ithasdecreasedalmosttwoandhalftimes,comparedwith…三、用于解释性和阐述性论说文1.Everybodyknowsthat…2.Itcanbeeasilyprovedthat…3.Itistruat…4.Noonecandenythat5.Oningwhichisequallyimportanttotheabovementionedis…6.Thechiefreasonisthat…7.Wemustrecognizat…8.Thereisondoubtthat…9.Iamoftheopinionthat…10.Thiscanbeexpressedasfollows;11.Totake…foranexample…12.Wehereasontobelithat13.Nowthatweknowthat…14.Amongthemostconvincingreasonsgiven,oneshouldbementioned…15.Thechangein…largelyresultsfromthefactthat16.Therearesralcausesforthissignificantgrowthin…,first…,second…,finally…17.Anumberoffactorscouldaccountforthedlopmentin…18.Perhapstheprimaryreasonis…为了指导你校高三年级近1000毕业生填报志愿,你校学生会对上一年度毕业生填报志愿的情况做了一次调查,调查结果如下:19.Itischieflyresponsibleof…20.Thereasonsfor…arecomplicated,Andprobablytheyarefoundinthefact…21.Herearesralsiblereasons,excerptthat…22.Somebodybelis/argues/holds/insists/thinksthat…23.Itisnottogivereasonforthiscomplicatedphenomenon…24.Differentpeopleobservesitindifferentways.四、用于文章的开头1.Astheproverbsays…2.Itgoeswithoutsayingtan…3.Generallyspeaking…4.Itisquiteclearthanbecause…5.Itisoftensaidthat…6.Manypeopleoftenasksuchquestion:“…?”7.Moreandmorepeoplehecometorealize…8.Thereisnodoubtthat…9.Somepeoplebelithat…10.Thesedaysweareoftentoldthat,butisthisreallythecase?11.Onegreatmansaidthat…12.Recentlytheissueof…haeenbroughttopublicattention.13.Inthepastsralyearstherehaeen…14.Nowitiscommonlyheldthat…butIdoubtwher…15.Currentlythereisawidespreadconcernthat…16.Nowpeopleingrowingnumberarecomingtorealizat…17.Thereisageneraldiscussiontodayabouttheissueof…18.Facedwith…,quiteafewpeoplearguat…,butotherpeopleconceivedifferently.五、用于文章的结尾1.fromthispointofview…2.inaword…3.inconclusion…4.onaccountofthiswecanfindthat…5.theresultisdependenton…6.therefore,thesefindingsralthefollowingrmation:7.thus,thisisthereasonwhywemust…8.tosumup…9.asfaras…beconcerned,Ibelithat…10.Itisobviousthat…11.Thereislittledoubtthat…12.Thereisnoimmediatesolutiontotheproblemof…,but…mightbeful13.Noneofthesolutionsisquitesatisfactory.Theproblemshouldbeexaminedinanewway.14.Itishightimatweputconsiderableemphasison…15.Takingintoaccountallthesefactors,wemaysafelyreachtheconclustionthat…六、用于论证和说明1.Asitisdescribedthat…2.Ithaeenillustratedthat…3.Itprovidesagoodexampleof…4.Wemayciteanotherinstanceof…5.Historymanprovidesuswiththeexamplesof…6.Anumberoffurthectaybeadded…7.Thesituationisnotunique,itistypicalofdozensIheheard.8.Arecentinvestigationindicatat…9.Accordingtothestatisticsprovided…10.Accordingtoalateststudy,itcanbepredicted…11.Thereisnosufficientevidencetoshowthat…12.Allailableevidencepointstothefactthat…13.Examplesgivenleadetoconcludat…14.Itralstheunquestionablefactthat…15.Theideamaybeprovedbyfacts…16.Allthefactssuggestthat…17.Noonecandenythefactthat…18.Wemayfaceundeniablefactthat…


一方面,要学会放松,不要一味的扎到学习中去,学习之余做做运动,与朋友玩玩,听听歌等,做到劳逸结合。学习压力的主要来源在My school is beautiful, with trees, gardens, modern buildings and a large playground. The school flag at the gate gTheir reasons are as follows. In the first place... What’s more... In addition...(列出2~3个反对的理由)reets me ry day in the morning, me feel great.于学习上遇到的困难,学习效率低下,导致一直忙忙碌碌,但学习成绩不见提高。所以提高学习是减少压力的根本办法:


4、做题的时候要学[2]First of all,one needs to he a good education in order to succeed in his career or merely to survive2,especially in this cutthroat3 society.会反思、归类、整理出对应的解题思路。遇到错的题(粗心做错也好、不会做也罢),能把这些错题收集起来,每个科目都建立一个的错题集(错题集要归类),当我们进行考前复习的时候,它们是重点复习对象,保证不再同样的问题上再出错、再丢分。


I’m glad to he received your letter of Apr. 9th.

Considering that the College Entrance Examination is coming,many students feel tired of studying.Most afraid of failing to make a good score. So we prepare ourselves to meet the challenge as well as sible.But sometimes the pressure is terrible and it makes us more nervous and lose heart.


The reasons are known to all of us.In China, the exam is too important to fail.The society, the family and the future of our own all give us too much pressure. But, what should we do to deal with that?

4."How to"类议论文模板:

Above all,a healthy body is the basic of rything. If there is soming wrong with your mental and physical health, it will be difficult to do anything. So keep ourselves healthy first. Then,we should find out the problems that we discovered in our daily study,and find a way to solve it. More pract will bring a better result. Go over our knowledge in a good order. Learn to study more efficiently.

Abosoluy, don't be too anxious. A good mood will you make it.

College Entrance Examination

The College Entrance Examination, or commonly known as Gaokao, is an academic examination held annually in the mainland of our country. This examination is a prerequisite for entrance into almost all higher education institutions at the undergraduate ll. It is usually taken by students in their last year of senior school, although there he been no age restrictions since 2001.

College Entrance Examination is one of the biggest nts in China, because it may change millions of students and families' lives. The number of participants reached its peak to 10.5 millions in 2008 and this year, the numbers drop to 9.15 millions. Study abroad and employment pressure are the two main reasons of the decrease. In China, there are hot discussions about this exam. People think that it's unfair to determine one's faith just by an exam, while others think that under the current circumstance, there are no other better ways. After year after year's try, some universities and colleges find more ways to recruit, and independent recruitment is the most popular. Howr, no matter how it will change in the future, working hard is the key to get success in study.

望采纳咯 ,给分哦,亲


After the College Entrance Examination, the three-year school life will come to an end. It’s hard to say goodbye to my school, teachers and friends, because I he an unforgettable time here.

I also enjoy attending classes, listening attentively to the teachers or hing discussions with my class第2段: Many ways can to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the probl第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题em is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法)mates. Everyone actively participates and ry class is meaningful.

Teachers in our school are very ful. They are not only experienced and knowledgeable, but we also patient and understanding. Whenr I he problems with my study or life, my teachers are always there, ready to lend a hand.

We also he colorful sports activities at schoo1. In addition to PE classes, we he more结束语部分: chos 1ike playing basketball, soccer, table tennis, as well as swimming.

In a word, rything here will be in my heart forr.




人数结果理由50%的毕业生听从老师的建议了解自己的学习情况和兴趣特长35%的毕业生听从父母的安排相信父母的决定,习惯听从父母的安排10%的毕业生自主选择最了解自己的优势;选择志愿是自己的权利,希望得到老师和家长的尊重5%的毕业生看情况会1、高效的学习要学会给自己定定目标(大、小、长、短),这样学习会有一个方向;然后梳理自身的学习情况,找出自己掌握的薄弱环节、存在的问题、容易丢分的知识点;再者合理的分配时间,有针对性的制定学习任务,一一的去落实。根据公布的成绩和排名来定 参考词汇:填报志愿 fill applications for the college entrance examinations


[评分标准]句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯.参:In order to provide a good guidance and reference for nearly 1000 senior high graduates in our school,the Student Union made a survey on the filling applications for the college entrance examinations among the previous year graduates.According to the statistics of the survey,half of the graduates accepted their teachers’ suggestions for the reason that teachers he a better understanding of their interests,specialties and schooling experiences.35% of the graduates followed their parents a as they are used to obeying their arrangements and trusted their decision.10% of the graduates preferred toIt's so amazing that it's another semester! I'm so happy and exciting now. make an independent cho as they hold that nobody know them better than themselves and since it is their rights to fill applications they hope to win respect from teachers and parents.The remaining 5% just made their chos accordingly after they got the results of the final published scores and ranking.《

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