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顺利从学校毕业英文 顺利从大学毕业用英文怎么说


顺利从学校毕业英文 顺利从大学毕业用英文怎么说顺利从学校毕业英文 顺利从大学毕业用英文怎么说

1、 毕业 指学生在学校或训练班修业期满,达到规定要求,结束在校学习。


3、毕业的英语说法1:graduation毕业的英语说法2:finish school毕业的相关 短语毕业晚会 graduation party ; Grad Night ;毕业之后 after leing school after graduation ; After graduation毕业待遇 Graduation treatment毕业式 commencement毕业 Graduation examination ; leing examination毕业的英语例句:1. "You must come to Tinsley's graduation party." — "I'd be delighted."“你一定要来参加廷斯利的毕业聚会。


5、”2. I qualified as a doctor from London University over 30 years ago.30多年前,我从伦敦大学毕业,取得了行医资格。

6、3. Without continued learning, graduates will lose their inlectual vitality.如果不继续学习,毕业生就会失去思想上的活力。

7、4. At my brother's high school graduation the students recited a poem.在我弟弟的高中毕业典礼上,学生们朗诵了一首诗。

8、5. My first job was as a graduate trainee with a bank.我的份工作是在一家银行做大学毕业实习生。

9、6. Connie did well at school and graduated with honours.康妮在学校表现很好,以优异的成绩毕业i he been bre for too long, and decided to live for you alone.了。

10、7. Harriet graduated with a first class degree in literature.哈丽雅特毕业时获文学一级学士学位。

11、8. In pract a graduate tax is an administrative nightmare.毕业税具 体 作起来不啻一场行政噩梦。

12、9. You come out of university and find there are no jobs ailable.从大学毕业后却找不到工作。

13、10. When I left school, I could walk into any job.我毕业后可以不费吹灰之力地找到任何工作。

14、Every one must he his own life and there is no friends that can be toger forr,only what can defend the time is the most cherished friendship that belongs to us all.他听了霍华德在中学毕业典礼上作的告别演讲。

15、12. They were married with all the trimmings, soon after graduation.他们毕业后不久就大大办地结婚了。


17、14. For the record, most Moscow 31、不回避窄的路,把窄的路拓宽,不断创造人生的新境界,这就是我们人生的道路。

18、girls lee school at about 18.需要指出的是,多数莫斯科女孩18岁从学校毕业。

19、15. About 40% of all students entering as freshmen graduate within 4 years.所有入学新生中约有40%在4年内毕业。


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