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2021高考卷子 2021高考卷子有几套


2021高考卷子 2021高考卷子有几套2021高考卷子 2021高考卷子有几套

1、新高考选科模式By day, Robert Titterton is a lawyer. In his spare time though he goes on stage beside pianist Maria Raspopova — not as a musician but as her page turner. “I’m not a trained musician, but I’ve learnt to read music so I can Maria in her performance.”罗伯特·蒂特顿白天是个律师,业余时间,他和钢琴家玛丽亚·拉斯波娃一起上台——不是作为音乐家,而是作为她的翻页师。


3、”Mr Titterton is chairman of the Omega Ensemble but has been the group’s official page turner for the past four years. His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesn’t he to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves. He said he became just as nervous as those playing instruments on stage.蒂特顿是欧米茄乐团的,在过去四年里一直是该组织的翻页师。



6、“A lot of skills are needed for the job. You he to make sure you don’t turn two pages at once and make sure you find the repeats in the music when you he to go back to the right spot.” Mr Titterton explained.蒂特顿解释道:“这份工作需要很多技能。


8、Being a page turner requires plenty of pract. Some pieces of music can go for 40 minutes and require up to 50 page turns, including back turns for repeat passages. Silent onstage communication is key, and each pianist has their own style of “nodding” to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner.做一个翻页师需要大量的练习。



11、But like all performances, there are moments 2021四川高考是全国卷几卷介绍如下:when things go wrong. “I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand,” Mr Titterton said, “Luckily I was able to catch them and put them back.”不过和所有的表演一样,有时也会出问题。


13、”Most page turners are piano students or up-and-coming concert pianists, although Ms Raspopova has once asked her huand to her out on stage.大多数翻页师是钢琴专业的学生或是有前途的钢琴演奏家,尽管拉斯波娃女士曾经让她的丈夫在舞台上帮她翻页。

14、“My huand is the worst page turner,” she laughed. “He’s interested in the music, feeling ry note, and I he to say: ‘Turn, turn!’ “Robert is the best page turner I’ve had in my entire life.”。


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