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They are at school

他们在哪里工作用英语两种翻译方法:Where are they working?Where do they work?




依然有很多长相难看的人,但他们在哪里工作?There are plenty of ugly people-but where do they work?

What's his(her) job?这是最直接的

你想知道他的学习与工作吗? 翻译英语

For now, the phenomenon of a part-time job is no longer just appear in the economic situation more difficult students, students work is no longer as easy to earn living expenses. Now of college students is so keen to work part-time, mainly from two aspects: on the one hand is the current social environment, university students' employment pressure is too great, a lot of people hope to gain work experience through part-time employment, so as to dlop their own ability and better prepared to be going to work for the future; The other side is due to the mentality of modern college students with previous college students had the very big difference, their independent consciousness is very strong, want to use their own labor to earn rewards, in order to obtain a certain "economic independence". In a sense, this phenomenon is due to the demand of society, now of the unit in the recruitment will often require applicants he relevant working experience, n as a threshold for graduates, this leads to many students at the time of reading, trying to make himself to the society from the roles of students the role of the conversion. Because all of these and future employment prospects, so it is natural for students' enthusia for part-time at an all-time high, n pay is not very rich, some of them will work at school and want to delay. Many college students choose a part-time job, there is a reason.

Do you want to know his study and work?

a.在求3.In the school 在学校(特定已知的)学



He is s看看他们之前在哪里工作。See where they worked previously.till in schooHel


at school

1.at school

Did I see you at school today?我今天是不是在学校见到At my school library to find a temporary job, and Smith to me to do him a professor of experimental assistant, the two he my job to make the monthly income of 800 million, sufficient to meet the day-to-day expenses; At the same time, my professor also agreed to live in his home , do not charge rent;, please you do not he to worry, I will cherish this rare opportunity to study hard, so that in the future to better serve the motherland.你了?

Is Mr Li at home or at school?李先生在家还是在学校?

例句:He did very badly in school.他在校表现.

I studied English in school.我在学校学的是英语专业.

.It’s in ththey are at school.e school bag .



What's his job?/Whin是留学的意思貌似at is he?/What does he do?三种都可以。牛津的

He sometimes does his homework at school

What's his job?

他还在学校 英语怎么说

he is sHe left school to start to work when he was twelve years old.till 这个小社区的人们不仅担心食物、水及基本必需品,他们在哪里工作和生活也成了问题,而且他们也担心朋友和亲戚的失踪。他们想知道是否能够再次看到亲人。Not only do people in this all community he to worry about food, water, basic necessities, where they will work or live, but also they worry about the missing, their friends and relatives. They wonder if they will r see them again.at school.

He is still What is his workat school.


2.in school

HSociety, the view of college students part-time is not unified, there are a lot of people don't support college students part-time. Indeed, college students less time, if you don't hurry up and learn the solid basis of knowledge. Also, many students to participate in the activities of the, if a part-time job, the energy is not enough, will affect their studies. College students go out part-time job, most people do menial jobs, lifting. Besides, we also all, dark side should not be too early to know society. Although part-time, can cultivate the ability of communication and doing things, one is to exercise, exercise oneself, is the pure of the college students' part-time part-time can let a person before a workout, but some students he no experience, gullible, there are some of my ctes think part-time can make money, and ruined school. Ability to exercise is important, but we do soming to weigh the pros and cons, after careful consideration before make a decision. After all, college students should learn to hey, a part-time job is secondary, don't blindly to part-time and waste studies. Our main task is to learn. Modern society competition is intense, need comprehensive talents. But this is based on professional knowledge base is great and can widely with talent that has a variety of practical ability. From time to time, and that is a "pract ability" has no knowledge of the so-called "comprehensive talent". Did not n ing their own professional knowledge and how to calculate a qualified talent? Nowadays many college students in part-time workforce, n after many freshmen is unwilling also, there is quite a flood. Part-time work in a high also known as: "increase social experience, and cultivate comprehensive ability" the truth really? In fact not! The aantages and disaantages of college students part-time is actually a pair of contradictions, who is the main aspect of contradiction, who is of the secondary aspect, what aantages and disaantages, or harmful and, particular case is particular ysis. In fact the aantages and disaantages of college students part-time is relative, if pay attention to process, is not do more harm than good, if pay attention to the results, is doing more harm than good. In addition, we should pay attention to their own professional knowledge at the same time in the part-time, in does not affect their studies under the premise of part-time, to achi academic and social pract ability of the double harvest.e left school and started to work When he was twelve years old.

At the age of twelve, he left school and started to work.

he left school and began to work at the age of12


adj.在上They are at school .学(在求学)

still例句:How is Jim getting on at school?吉姆的学业有进步吗?




they are in the school

Contemporary college students is more and more emphasis on ability, and economic independence, seems to be the most happy is to alone "financial power", but he income, required spending has grown up of college students obviously don't want to just depend on their parents "aid". Extracurricular time, many students will choose to do a part-time job.


Part of Marx and Engels dialectical materiali dialectics, said that any ry coin has two sides, to adhere to the dichotomy, two, see a problem with two sides perspeHe is still at school !ctive. Indeed, college students part-time, also has both aantages and disaantages.

In the undergraduate college students, more than 80% he part-time job requirements. A part-time job for a lot of college students' extracurricular exercise my ability main ways to earn extra money. The resulting out a about college students' extracurricular part-time exactly the problem of large aantages or disaantages.

To put aside money don't say. Part-time, can cultivate the ability to communication, etc. People come out in the exercise, part-time can let a person before a workout. Early, and get the real gold. After looking for a job, the key is a personal ability, is crucial. Though college students less time, but time like the water in sponge, crowded there will be. And functions of the earlier they touch society, the more clear understanding society, so they can better adapt to society. Part-time can realize the complexity of society, and at the same time can also taste the hardships of life. Now recruitment first ask wher you he work experience, diploma only ticket. Part-time jobs can make use of their spare time to exercise their abilities, part-time are more mature than people without a part-time, more can adapt to the society. Competition is brutal, only constantly enrich, exercises oneself, can be in an impregnable ition in the competition.. If you only learn professional knowledge without pract ability will appear high to low.

According to the principle of the quantitative qualitative relations of mutual change, asking people to adhere to the principle of moderation, make things according to needs in a stable state, so, I think, as long as moderation, part-time is a good thing.


我想知道他是否.John has the lead in the school play.在学校.

在书包里.He is a middle school teacher.



He works as例句.I wonder if he is in the school. an English teacher in a middle school.找到百度翻译的话

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