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原创阅读题英语高考 高考英语阅读真题训练

2020年高考英语卷 - 阅读理解D

An important new study into age attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious than it has r been in the past."We were surprised by just how itive today's young people seem to be about their families," said one member of the research team. "They're expected to be rebellious(叛逆的)and selfish, but actually they he other things on their minds: they want a car and material goods, and they worry about wher school is serving them well. There's more negotiation(商议)and discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision- process. They don't want to rock the boat."

Certain forms of AI are indeed becoming ubiquitous. For example, algorithms carry out huge volumes of trading on our financial markets, self-driving cars are appearing on city streets, and our artphones are translating from one language into another. These s are sometimes faster and more perceptive than we humans are. But so far that is only true for the specific tasks for which the s he been designed. That is soming that some AI dlopers are now eager to change.

原创阅读题英语高考 高考英语阅读真题训练原创阅读题英语高考 高考英语阅读真题训练

某些形式的AI (人工智能)确实正变得无处不在。例如,金融市场上进行大量交易的算法,出现在城市街道上的自动驾驶汽车,智能手机将一种语言翻译成另一种语言。这些系统有时比我们人类更快、更敏锐。但到目前为止,这些只适用于系统所设计的特定任务,一些AI开发者正在期待改变。

Some of today's AI pioneers want to move on from today's world of “weak” or “narrow” AI, to create “strong” or “full” AI, or what is often called artificial general int开放时间:上午至周六和夏季周日。夏季10.30-17.00,冬季10.30-16.00。elce (A GI). In some respects, today's powerful computing machines already make our brains look weak. A GI could, its aocates say, work for us around the clock, and drawing on all ailable data, could suggest solutions to many problems. DM, a company focused on the dlopment of A GI, has an ambition to “solve ince”. “If we're successful,” their mission statement reads, “we beli this will be one of the most important and widely beneficial scientific aances r made.”

当代一些AI先驱希望从今天的“弱”或“窄”的AI世界中走出来,创造“强”或“全”的AI,也就是通常所说的A GI(人工通用智能)。在某些方面,今天强大的计算机已经让我们的大脑看起来很弱。A GI的支持者认为A GI可以24小时为我Town: Pooley Bridge & Penrith们工作,利用所有可用的数据,可以为许多问题提供解决方案。DM是一家专注于A GI开发的公司,有着“解决智能问题”的雄心。“如果我们成功了,”他们的任务声明写道,“我们相信这将是有史以来最重要、最广泛有益的科学进步之一。”

Since the early days of AI, imagination has outpaced what is sible or n probable. In 1965, an imaginative mathematician called Irving Good predicted the ntual creation of an "ultra-int machine…that can far surpass all the inlectual activities of any man, howr clr." Good went on to suggest that “the first ultra-int machine" could be “the last invention that man need r make."

Fears about the appearance of bad, powerful, man-made int machines he been rerced by many works of fiction—Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Terminator film series, for example. But if AI does ntually prove to be our downfall, it is unlikely to be at the hands of human-shaped forms like these, with recognisably human motivations such as aggression. Instead, I agree with Oxford University philosopher Nick Bostrom, who belis that the heiest risks from A GI do not come from a decision to turn against mankind but rather from a dogged pursuit of set objectives at the expense of rything else.

人们对于出现强大而又邪恶的人造智能机器的担忧已经加剧,例如,玛丽·雪莱的《弗兰肯斯坦》科幻和《终结者》系列电影。但如果最终证明AI 是我们的垮台,它就不太可能掌握在这样的人形形态手中,而这些形态具有明显的人类动机,比如敌对行为。相反,我同意牛津大学哲学家尼克·博斯特罗姆的观点,他认为,A GI带来的风险不是来自于反对人类的决定,而是来自于不惜牺牲一切代价执着地追求既定目标。

The promise and er of true A GI are great. But all of today's excited discussion about these sibilities presupes the fact that we will be able to build these s. And, hing spoken to many of the world's foremost AI researchers, I beli there is good reason to doubt that we will see A GI any time soon, if r.

2019年高考英语全国卷2 - 阅读理解B


“You can use me as a last resort, and if nobody else volunteers,then I will do it.” This was an actual reply from a52.According to the author, what is a sible way to gain a broad perspective? parent after I put out a request for volunteers for my kids lacrosse club.

“你可以将我作为选择,如果没有其他人做志愿者,我来做。”这是在我向我的孩子长曲棍球俱乐部提出志愿者请求后一位nr felt closer to him从来没有感到更亲密,也就是最亲密家长的真实回答。

I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to for an unknown sport. She may just need a little persuading. So I try again and tug at the heartstrings. I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren’t n on … At this point the unwilling parent speaks up, “Alright. Yes, I’ll do it.”


I’m secretly relid because I know there’s real power in sharing volunteer responsibilities among many. The unwilling parent organizes the meal schedule, sends out emails, and collects money for end-of-season gifts. Somewhere along the way, the same parent ends up becoming an invaluable member of the team. The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relid to be off the hook for another season. Handing out sld oranges to bloodthirsty kids can be as exciting as watching your own kid score a goal.


Still, most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close. That relief is coupled with a deep understanding of why the same people keep coming back for more: Connecting to the community as you freely give your time, money, skills, or servs provides a real joy. Volunteering just feels so good.


In that sense, I’m pretty sure volunteering is more of a selfish act than I’d freely like to admit. Howr, if others benefit in the process, and I get some reward too, does it really matter where my motivation lies?


Rome can be pry for trelers, which is why many choose to stay in a hos. The hoss in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you’ll often get to stay in a central location with security and comfort.

My dad is back to me from where he was.直译:我爸爸从过去的地方回到了我这C.How to Acquire Soft Skills里。








希望可To construct a working still, use a sharp stick or rock to dig a hole four feet across and three feet deep. Try to make the hole in a damp area to increase the water catcher's productivity. Place your cup in the deepest part of the hole. Then lay the tube in place so that one end rests all the way in the cup and the rest of the line runs up-and out-the side of the hole.以帮到你

A "我们的友谊建立在相同理念上:我们都认为,如果因为当时心情不好而未能畅游伦敦,以后会后悔的”



And in so doing状语, I主语’m delighted with谓 my new friend宾. My dad主, in his new home in Arizona状, is系 back to me表 from where he was状.

从作者的工作和整个文章If you love social hoss, this is the best hos for you in Rome. Hos Alessandro Palace is fun. Staff members hold plenty of bar nts for guests like free shots, bar crawls and karaoke. There’s also an area on the rooftop for hanging out with other trelers during the summer.来看,他确实是去帮助这只小猫头鹰的,不仅仅是看看而已。然而问题是选项里没有帮助个选项,只能从C、D中选,D选项是cure,而实际上文中已经说了这只小猫头鹰没有问题,所以不需要cure,排除D,只能选C了。

As a novelist, I've found a new relationship with libraries. I encourage readers to go to their local library when they can't afford to purchase a book. I see libraries as a safe hen for readers and writers, a bridge that s put toger a reader with a book. Libraries, in their own way, fight book piracy and I think all writers should support libraries in a significant way when they can. Encourage readers to use the library. Share library announcements on your social media. Frequent them and talk about them when you can.

2017年高考英语全国卷1 - 阅读理解D

C.Harmony in family.

A build-it-yourself solar still is one of the best ways to obtain drinking water in areas where the liquid is not readily ailable.Dloped by two doctors in the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it's an excellent water collector. Unfortunay, you must carry the necessary equipment with you, since it's all but imsible to find natural substitutes. The only components required, though, are a 5'×5' sheet of clear or slightly milky plastic, six feet of plastic tube, and a container-perhaps just a drinking cup-to catch the water. These pieces can be folded into a neat little pack and fastened on your belt.

3.When the author was sitting in the waiting room,he was quite_________



Next, cover the hole with the plastic sheet, securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheet's center down with a rock. The plastic should now form a cone with 45-degree-angled sides. The low point of the sheet must be centered directly over, and no more than three inches above, the cup.

The solar still works by creating a greenhouse under the plastic. Ground water evaporates and collects on the sheet until all drops of water form, run down the material, and fall off into the cup. When the container is full, you can suck the refreshB.is common nowadayent out through the tube, and won't he to break down the still ry time you need a drink.


2020年高考英语全国卷2 - 阅读理解A

History, Culture & Landscape. Discover and enjoy 4 centuries of history, 5 acres of celebrated and award-winning gardens with parkland walk. Owned by the Hasell family since 1679, home to the International Marmalade Festival. Gifts and antiques, plant sales, museums & Mediaeval Hall Tearoom.


Open: 29 Mar- 29 Oct, Sun to Thurs.


Tearoom, Gardens & Gifts Shop: 10.30 – 17.30 (16:00 in Oct).



Those viewing the quality of Abbot Hall’s temporary exhibitions may be forgiven for thinking they are in a city gallery. The impressive permanent collection includes Turners and Romneys and the temporary exhibition programme has Cetto and the artists from St Ives.

那些观看Abbot Hall 临时展览的人可能会认为他们在城市美术馆,这是可以理解的。令人印象深刻的藏品包括特纳和罗姆尼,临时展品包括卡纳莱托和来自圣艾夫斯的画家。

Open: Min to Sat and Summer Sundays.10.30-17.00 Summer,10.30-16.00 Winter.


Discover, explore and enjoy award-winning Tullie House, where historic collections, contemporary art and family fun are brought toger in one impressive museum and art gallery. There are four fantastic galleries to visit from fine art to interactive fun, so there’s soming for ryone!

发现51 Why did the author choose Business Mament as his major at first?、探索并欣赏获过奖的图利之家,在一个令人印象深刻的博物馆和美术馆里,将历史藏品、2.The study shows that agers don't want to__________ .当代艺术和家庭乐趣汇集在一起。从精美艺术到互动娱乐,这里有四个奇妙的画廊可供参观,所以这里适合每个人!

Open: High Season 1 Apr-31 Oct: Mon to Sat 10.00-17.00,Sun 11.00-17.00.

开放时间:旺季 4月1日至10月31日:周一至周六 10.00-17.00,周日 11:00-17:00。

淡季 11月1日至3月31日:周一至周六 10:00-16:30,周日 12:00-16:30

Town: Carlisle

小镇:卡莱尔A.may be a false belief

Discover William Wordsworth’s inspiration home. Take a tour of his Lakeland cottage, walk through his hillside garden and explore the riches of the collection in the Museum. Visit the shop and relax in the café. Exhibitions, nts and family activities throughout the year.


开放时间:每天 09:30-17:30(入场时间17:00)。



55.What could be the best title for the passage?



浙江高考英语阅读精选题(一) I was due to take my driving test at 11:30 am.It was a rainy morning with low clouds and as I approached the driving school at 9:50 am,my heart sank.My driving instructor. Stan,said soming,trying to drive away my fears,but I was not impressed

B.The learners were tested in the presence of their instructors

We set off for the test centre with an hour to go I wanted a run round the test circuit (圈),but we got stuck in a traffic jam,and could only drive no faster than walking.

We arrived at the test centre at 11 am.Stan made me watch a group of six learners emerging from the building with their respective(各自的)examiners.Their instructors were looking out from two windows.We watched them drive off They must he been feeling very nervous

Stan took me round the probable test track,pointing out the traps.The weather became n worse It seemed to make me feel worse too.I had dloped a couldn't-care-less mood,and was almost calm We returned to the test centre in time to see the six unfortunates returning.Their nerves must he been in a terrible state.

I sat in the waiting room until six examiners came in to call out our respective names. Mine showed no emotion as he asked me to go to my car I showed none either,but the tension began mounting again.

1.On their way to the test center,Stan tried to comfort the author_________

A.but it made the author's heart sink deeper

B.but the words produced no effect

D.so that they could prepare for all he flaps

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Six learners would be tested at the same time.

C.None of the six learners passed the test in the end.

D The instructors were as nervous as the learners

A.upset B.nervous C.frightened D.relaxed

4.When it was his turn to take the test,the author went to his car with___________

A.firm confidence B mixed emotions C.increased nervousness D.perfect calmness

5.The passage is mainly about___________

A.the influence of bad weather upon a test taker

B the feelings of a learner before his driving test

C the preparations before a driving test






浙江高考英语阅读精选题(二) The evidence for harmony may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on with their parents, which is the opite of the popularly-held image(形象)of unhappy agers locked in their room after endless family quarrels.

So it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends."My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me," says 17-year-old Daniel Lazall. "I always l them when I'm going out clubbing. As long as they know what I'm doing, they're fine with it." Susan Crome, who is now 21, agrees. "Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiation. For example, as long as I'd done all my homework, I could go out on a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that."

1.What is the popular image of agers today?

A.They worry about school.

B.They dislike living with their parents.

D.They quarrel a lot with other family members.

A.share family responsibility

B.cause trouble in their families

C.go boating with their family

D.make family decisions

3.Compared with parents of 30 years ago, today's parents__________ .

A.go to clubs more often with their children

B.are much stricter with their children

C.care less about their children's life

D.give their children more

4.According to the author, age rebellion__________ .

C.existed only in the 1960s

D.resulted from changes in families

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Negotiation in family.

B.Education in family.

D.Tee trouble in family.







2020年高考英语全国卷1 - 阅读理解D


The connection between people and plants has long been the subject of scientific research. Recent studies he found itive effects. A study conducted in Youngstown, Ohio, for example, discovered that greener areas of the city experienced less crime. In another,employees were shown to be 15% more productive when their workplaces were decorated with houseplants.


The engineers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)he taken it a step further changing the actual comition of plants in order to get them to perform diverse,n unusual functions. These include plants that he sensors printed onto their lees to show when they’re short of water and a plant that can detect harmful chemicals in groundwater. "We’re thinking about how we can engineer plants to replace functions of the things that we use ry day,"explained Michael Strano, a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.


One of his latest projects has been to make plants grow in experiments using some common vegetables. Strano’s team found that they could create a faint light for three-and-a-half hours. The light, about one-thousandth of the amount needed to read by, is just a start. The technology, Strano said, could one day be used to light the rooms or n to turn tree into self-powered street lamps.

他最近的一个项目是在实验中使用普通C.so that the author could drive to the center with no fears蔬菜让植物生长。斯特拉诺的团队发现,他们可以创造出持续三个半小时的微弱光线。光大约是阅读所需的千分之一,这只是一个开始。斯特拉诺说,这项技术有一天可以用来照亮整个房间,甚至可以把树变成自供电的路灯。

in the future,the team hopes to dlop a version of the technology that can be sprayed onto plant lees in a one-off treatment that would last the plant’s lifetime. The engineers are also trying to dlop an on and off"switch"where the glow would fade when exed to daylight.


Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total electricity consumed in the US. Since lighting is often far removed from the power source — such as the distance from a power plant to street lamps on a remote highway — a lot of energy is lost during tranission.

Glowing plants could reduce this distance and therefore se energy.

发光植物可以缩Although our times toger became easier over the years状语从句, I主 nr felt系 closer表 to him状 at that moment状.短这种距离,从而有助于节约能源。

2020年高考英语全国卷2 - 阅读理解D

A.Making more friends and learning from them.

I he a special place in my heart for libraries. I he for aMaybe this itive view of family life should not be unexpected. It is sible that the idea of age rebellion is not rooted in real facts. A researcher comments,"Our surprise that agers say they get along well with their parents comes because of a brief period in our social history when agers were regarded as different beings. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when ryone rebelled. The normal situation throughout history has been a ooth change from ing out with the family business to taking it over."s long as I can remember. I was always an enthusiastic reader, sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child. Stories were like air to me and while other kids played ball or went to parties, I lived out aentures through the books I checked out from the 房子:11:15 –16:00(10月至15:00)library,


My first job was working at the Ukiah Library when I was 16 years old. It was a dream job and I did rything from shelving books to reading to the children for story time.


As I grew older and became a mother, the library took on a new place and an added meaning in my life. I had sral children, and books were our main source of entertainment. It was a big deal for us to load up and go to the local library, where my kids could pick out books to read or books they wanted me to read to them.


I always read, using different vos, as though I were acting out the stories with my vo and they loved it! It was a special time to bond with my children and it filled them with the wonderment of books.


Now, I see my children taking their children to the library and I love that the excent of going to the library lives on from generation to generation.




Town: Graere


看文章段,几个:but ,so,forced,another but。本段在写作信息传递上有些模糊的地方在于,有一个信息点:

but ntually I exhausted myself understanding the economy and trying new marketing techniques,此处作者没有交代是选择了这个专业试读之后感觉不适合,还是在没有读之前根据各种信息的了解主观上感觉不合适,有些含糊。从而缺少了行文的真实逻辑性,但是不影响整篇文章的核心思想的表达。推测一下,整体感觉脉络是这样的:最初想要选择人文学科——受其他因素影响而选择了实用的企业管理——就读企业管理后,不能适应——转专业回到最初的喜好专业(人文相关)。本段没有生僻词汇和不容易驾驭的复杂句式。本段一句是关键信息,表达了作者的选择。所以可以看试题:

命题人选取的角度通过题干信息Business Mament ,at first 限定。备选项中acd是本题关键选项,c是拼凑的,可以比较容易排除,a选项从逻辑角度是有问题的,逻辑上,假如对某种专业产生倦怠感,是要经过一定的学习之后而可能出现的,这就需要之前曾选择过这一专业,而本文并没有阐述清楚,也就是说此处的was tired of…和题干有一定的逻辑冲突。D选项也不是很严谨,从原文信息看,作者是受他人以及选择专业的一些影响而选择Business mament ,这和他自身意愿选择有细微区别的。综合看四个选项D为。此题的几个逻辑问题是at first 如何界定,最初的want 比较文学和之后的business 的选择是不是都是作者的want。逻辑问题,有些是比较显现的有的却很隐晦,俗话说有“普世逻辑也有各自不同的逻辑”。

文章第二段是作者对于人文学科的观点态度。第二段句可以作为复杂句式来讲解语法。是abstract,not applicable 。The worries are …the majors are abstract,…。衔接词actually后面信息 表达的是作者的真实观点。Actually ideas discussed in Humanities classes, which are occasionally different from what people commonly beli, offer a broad perspective(视角).强调了课堂上所讨论的观点。看试题:试题题干限制词a broad perspective 和原文信息词汇完全一致,所以做题方法就是点对点回到原文查找信息。这个题目的命制不是很成功,往往点对点限制信息命题,干扰项都是很难设置的,本题也是如此,出现了干扰项设置的尴尬,至于此处的问题具体在哪里,不做详细解释。且此题是在极度细节上的一个小推断,所以是否是事实上能够成立的观点,不能确定。B为。


B.Exchanging ideas in a philosophy seminar.

C.Opening your mind to future sibilities. D.Getting to know the popular opinion of society.


53.In which of the following situations do soft skills play the most important role?

A.Writing a software program. B.Performing a heart operation.

C.Playing a musical instrument. D.Negotiating with a business partner.

题干核心信息词soft skills 回原文查找信息…while humanities majors learn “soft skills” like communicating effectively,此处的while 表示转折,和之前提到的stem学科的硬科技相比较,所以软技能可能涉及的方向就大致可以理解了,此题命制特点同上一题,不再重复。假如学生大脑中直接可以理解soft skills 基本可以不做原文阅读就可以选出。

看下一题,关于job market 在一段中作者做了肯定的阐述。The job market is quietly creating thousands of openings a week for people who can bring a humanist’s grace to our rapidly evolving high-tech future.这句话是比较优美而达意的一句话,可以用来做句子赏析。quietly creating …,bring a humanist’s grace 使用的比较优美。

翻译一:就业市场正在悄无声息地为D.an unforgettable day那些能为我们快速发展的高科技未来带来人文主义魅力的人创造每周数千个职位空缺。



54.The author belis the job market for Humanities graduates is ______. A.recovering





A.Stick to Your Desire;d Major

B.Broaden Your Perspective

D.Humanities vs. STEM



When I graduated from high school, I wanted to major in comparative literature. But, once I found out my friends were going into “real” majors, like marketing, nursing, and engineering, I figured I needed to do the same to ensure a good career. So I changed my mind and chose Business Mament as my major. I forced myself to beli that I would enjoy it and succeed in the future, but ntually I exhausted myself understanding the economy and trying new marketing techniques. Coming out of this experience, I realize it is ok to be different from others and to study things like classics, art history and other majors offered in the College of Humanities(人文学科)!

The worries most people he about a Humanities degree and finding a career afterwards are that the majors are too abstract, and one will not obtain any applicable skills. Actually ideas discussed in Humanities classes, which are occasionally different from what people commonly beli, offer a broad perspective(视角). How could one effectively be an unbiased(无偏见的)writer with only a knowledge of the popular opinion of society? How could one speak persuasively with closed minds? Only seeing the world through a single perspective leads to missed learning, missed friendships, and missed growth! With a broader perspective, we will be more free, more open-minded, and less limited in what we can become!

STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) graduates learn actual skills in their studies, while humanities majors learn “soft skills” like communicating effectively through writing critically and speaking persuasively, synthesizing(综合)ideas through gathering and interpreting rmation, and dloping cultural awareness. Do those soft skills sound useless and inapplicable to you? Think of it. How often do you communicate with others? Produce ideas? Encounter people from other cultures? Every day. Every SECOND of ry day. So why not these skills?

If you choose a major in the College of Humanities, you will be needed. The job market is quietly creating thousands of openings a week for people who can bring a humanist’s grace to our rapidly evolving high-tech future. Your skills will be valuable to any workplace you hope to be in. Chase after your dream major with all your energy, no matter what other people think.

51.Why did the author choose Business Mament as his major at first?

A.He was tired of learning comparative literature.

B.He came to enjoy learning marketing techniques.

C.He wanted to go to the same university as his friends.

D.He belid Business Mament was more practical.

B.Exchanging ideas in a philosophy seminar.

C.Opening your mind to future sibilities. D.Getting to know the popular opinion of society.

53.In which of the following situations do soft skills play the most important role?

A.Writing a software program. B.Performing a heart operation.

C.Playing a musical instrument. D.Negotiating with a business partner.

54.The author belis the job market for Humanities graduates is ______. A.recovering




A.Stick to Your Desired Major

B.Broaden Your Perspective

D.Humanities vs. STEM


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