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九年级英语momknows翻译 九年级英语翻译课文翻译

mom knows best翻译和下面的练习题的。

mom konws bst意思是:妈妈知道什么是的。 习题:

九年级英语momknows翻译 九年级英语翻译课文翻译九年级英语momknows翻译 九年级英语翻译课文翻译

九年级英语momknows翻译 九年级英语翻译课文翻译

(1)问题的意思是当作者是个婴儿和小孩时,母亲做了什么?其中作者是婴儿的时候的可能是句吧,因为你拍的稍微有点不全,如果句开头有baby的字眼的话应该就是句是,也就是sang to me and stayed by my side(意思是唱歌给我听还陪在我身边);作者是小孩时,在第三句when i was two running through the field,也就是说当作者两岁时奔跑在田野里,she made sure i was safe and kept me from er. 意思是说她确保我的安全让我远离危险。


(3)问题意思是,当作者17岁时他的母亲告诉他十点前回家时,作者是怎么想的?是:i should not be told what to do, im sn now. 意思就是我已经长大了,知道自己该做什么。

(4)问题是说当你读完这首诗,你觉得作者对他的母亲是怎么想的?是一句话:mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best.也就是说妈妈知道什么是的,因为她总是想把的给我。

初三英语课本中有一首诗叫mom knows best ,求诗,还有怎么读

Mom Knows Best 妈妈最了解

When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side. 当我是个小宝宝整夜哭闹的时候,妈妈依偎在我身旁,唱歌送我入梦乡。 When I was tired and gry, she ge me food and warm arms to sleep in. 当我累了饿了的时候,妈妈给我食物和休憩的温暖怀抱。

When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from er.

当我两岁在田野里奔跑的时候,她确保我的安全,让我远离危险。 When I fell and hurt myself, she ge me a hug and lifted me up. 当我摔倒受伤的时候,她给我拥抱,扶我站好。

When I was sn coughing badly, she said no -cream for me. 七岁的我剧烈咳嗽,她说我不该吃冰激凌。

But I talked back loudly, ―I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me now!‖ 我却大声反驳,“应该允许我吃一些!现在就给我!”

When I was nine watching scary movies, she said it’d give me awful dreams. 九岁的我看电影,她说电影会带给我噩梦。

But I shouted back angrily, ―I should be allowed to watch it! I’m not a baby!‖ 我却愤怒地回应,“应该允许我看!我不是小孩!”

When I was a going out with friends, she said, ―Please be back by ten!‖ 青少年的我和朋友外出闲逛,她说,“请在十点之前回来!”

But I talked back again — ―I should not be told what to do! I’m sn now!‖ 我却再次顶嘴——“不需要你告诉我什么该不该!我已经17岁了!”

Now I’m an , thinking back to those times. 现在我已长大,回想那过去的时光。 I coughed for days after eating that -cream 吃了冰激凌让我咳嗽不止

And had scary dreams after watching that film. 看了电影让我噩梦连连。

I was late for school from staying out past ten. 上学迟到只因10点还在外游荡。

I regret talking back, not listening to Mom.

我真后悔呀!后悔不该顶嘴,后悔没听妈忠告。 Mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best! 妈妈最了解(孩子),她只是想怎样对我!

"我的妈妈最懂我"用英语可以翻译成"my mom understands me best"么?别乱

My mom knows me best,不要用understand,knows更亲切些,understand侧重了解,明白道理方面,希望给予采纳,谢谢。




感觉用knows 好一点

My mum is the best person who understanding me

my mom is the most understand me也可以


比较中式化 但也不是不可以啊

新版人教版初三英语全一册第七单元 课文mom know best翻译

当我还是小婴儿时,我哭了一夜,我的妈妈对我唱歌并且待在我的旁边。当我又累又饿的时候,她给了我食物并且用温暖的手臂抱我入睡。当我穿过田野的时候,她确信我的安全并且让我远离危险。当我摔倒或者伤着自己,她给我一个拥抱并且把我高高举起。但是我大声的回嘴,我需要被允许吃它们!现在快给我!当我看电影的时候,她要我不看因为晚上会做噩梦!男生我生气的说到,我需要被允许观看它!我不是小孩!当我10岁和朋友外出时,她说 请在十点钟回来!但是我又一次顶嘴——我不需要做那些事情,我现在已经17岁了!现在我是一个成年人,回想以前的那些时光。我冰淇淋吃了后咳嗽了并且我看完电影做噩梦了。我当时为了迟到去学校待到10点后,我后悔顶嘴,不听妈话。妈妈知道的的,并且她只想给我的!

2014九年级英语unit7Teers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.51页课文翻译

Mom Knows Best

When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side

When I was tired and gry, she ge me food and warm arms to sleep in

When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from er

When I fell and hurt myself, she ge me a hug and lifted me up

When I was sn coughing badly, she said no -cream for me








But I talked back loudly, “I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me now!”

When I was nine watching scary movies, she sai

d it’d give me awful dreams

But I shouted back angrily, “I should be allowed to watch it! I’m not a baby!”

When I was a going out with friends, she said, “Please be

back by ten!”

But I talked back again

—“I should not be told what to do!

I’m sn now!”





















Now I’m an , thinking back to those times

I coughed for days after eating that -cream

And had scary dreams after watching that film

I was late for school from staying out past ten

I regret talking back, not listening to Mom

Mom knows best, and for me she wanted only the best!












以my mom know best为题写英语作文带翻译

"My mom is my best friend. I can talk to her about rything, she s me through rything. We don't really he any secrets," I said, playing with the wee of the orange upholstered chair I was sitting on in a cramped therapist off at the University of Wisconsin's free health center.

"Maybe that's a part of the problem," said the therapist, kindly.


Maybe that's part of the problem. You're living in a house without walls. Your house needs walls."

"I don't think you understand," I clarified. "This isn't, like, a weird family bed situation."

"No," she said. "Emotional walls. Maybe the fact that you've given your mother so much access to yourself and v versa has made it more difficult for you to feel like your own person."

Hearing this, my immediate reaction was to reject the theory. I physically recoiled to the point where the therapist asked me to examine my own body language and, when I did, I realized that I had practically folded myself into the chair like a pretzel; my arms were crossed so tight that my elbows hurt.

The reason I was in this off to begin with was because I was feeling so isolated that I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It had gotten to the point where, when I wasn't in class, I was usually lying alone on the living room floor crying and, up until that point, my mother was the only person I could talk to about how I was feeling.

"You're saying I should block her out?" I asked, stunned.

"No, I'm saying that you need to set boundaries."

At the time, this rmation sent me reeling — how was I suped to get over feeling like a broken puzzle piece by rejecting the one person who had always accepted me for who I was unconditionally? — but looking back, she was right.

My mother has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. In high school, while other friends were hing screaming matches with their parents over curfews, I was leing house parties early to watch What Not To Wear on the couch with my mom because I preferred her company. Since I was a child, our weekend ritual has included walking toger to get d teas at the local coffee shop where they he always sed us two of our forite kinds of muffins (which both of us, strangely enough, eat with a knife and fork). My mom is kind, int, funny and a good listener. I can say without bias (okay, fine, with total bias) that I've nr encountered a person more worth being friends with.

人教版九年级全一册unit7 sectionA 3a翻译 “






蒂姆·伯纳斯李说:“ 花费一整天的时间做到银屏前是不明智的,人们需要更加靠近大自然,享受阳光,不要被互联网所控制”

61. 互联网有多大了? 25 years

62. 谁提出了网络的概念/想法? Tim Berner-Lee

63. 当我们点击一下鼠标的时候我们可以做些什么? we can read news, buy things, make friends and learn anything we are interested in.

64.互联网对于未来的生活有影响吗? yes, it will. A growing Web will hele to build "better relationship" between different cultures, and also ryday s could be connect to the Web in the future. moreover we could share plenty of rmation to make our daily lives mroe convenient.

65. 如果我们在网络上泄露我们的个人信息会怎样? it could get into the wrong hands


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