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9. 以在学校的一天写一篇英语作文,不少五句



















aSchool are students second home.Every stuent loves their school.l like my sc hool very much.My school is very great.Lt is the best school.My school taught ma ng excellet students.Five years ago,my school is and crude.There is only fe w students in our school.Now,our shool is beauiful.There are more than 5 thousa nd students.Equipement is very abundant.We can surf the Internet now.t













































































1. 写《我在学校的一天》英语作文,并翻译,仅8句就可以 My School Day

I enjoy my life spent at school, because I can not only learn new knowledge ry day, but also I can share my happiness with my friends. I was on duty for today, so I got up very early in the morning and got to school at 6.30 a.m. Then I began to arrange my clas ates to clean up our classroom. The first lesson was English, and I led them to read the text. There were four lessions in the morning and another three in the afternoon. We took part in after-school activities after the lessons being finished. I was the last student who left school and returned home. It was really an exhausted but happy day today!

我很享受在学校度过的生活, 因为我不仅可以学到新的知识,还能与我的朋友们分享快乐的时光。今天是我值日, 所以我起了个大早,然后在早上6点半时到达学校。然后我开始安排同学们打扫教室。节课是英语课,由我来领读。 上午有四节课,下午有三节课。上完课后,我们参加了课外活动。我是一个离开学校回家的学生。今天真的是疲惫但是快乐的一天啊!


2. 写在学校的一天英语作文

I get to school at half past six ryday.First is self study, i usually spend half an hour preparing my lessons.Followed by Morning Reading.It is often Chinese and English.At about eight o`clock,we start the first class.It is usually maths,English or Chinese.We are always in high spirits serious lectures.We he lunch at school at half past eln. Finally we end of the course at four o`clock.My fourite lesson is political work .Because it can us to grow up well.This is my day at school我每天在六点半到学校,首先是自习,我通常花费半个小时来预习我的功课。



3. 写在学校的一天英语作文

I get to school at half past six ryday.First is self study, i usually spend half an hour preparing my lessons.Followed by Morning Reading.It is often Chinese and English.At about eight o`clock,we start the first class.It is usually maths,English or Chinese.We are always in high spirits serious lectures.We he lunch at school at half past eln. Finally we end of the course at four o`clock.My fourite lesson is political work .Because it can us to grow up well.This is my day at school我每天在六点半到学校,首先是自习,我通常花费半个小时来预习我的功课。



4. 英语作文写我学校的一天

My dayMy name is Anna.I had a busy day.I got up is on 6:00. Then I had a shower and had a quick beakfest. Next I took the subway to go to school. At school I was 6:50. In the afternooon, I had lunch. After that,I had three lessons in this afternoon. After school, it's 4:30. I went to home is on 5:00. At home, I had to do her homework. At 9:00, I went to bed 。

5. 写一篇在学校的一天的英语作文50字

My School Day

I'm a student. I study in a n school. I get up early ry day. I usually get up at 6:00 in the

morning. After that, I brush my te and he breakfast quickly. My mother often ls me

tha it's not good for my health. But I don't follow her at last. Then I go to school with my best

friends. We all enjoy our school trip.

After school, I always play basketball with my clas ates for half an

hour. I go home at 5:00 in the afternoon. I usually do my homework at

9:00 in the ning. I often go to bed at 11: oo at night. That's my school



6. 我在学校的一That’s天英语作文50个单词

In the morning, we will gather at the plaza and sing the national anthum. After taking the pledge, we will go back to class where lessons will soon began. After a few periods of classes, it's recess! Recess is the time when we eat and play and go toilet. It's the only time in school where all students were enjoying school life. Too bad it's only half an hour. After recess, we will go back to class where chucks of lessons start again.。

7. 求一篇英语作文:我在学校的一天

That morning when the bus carried me to the gate of the college. I was so excited that my heart was beating very fast as if it would leap out of my mouth. From now on, I would be a student of this college. After registration, we were led by an instructor to the dormitory, where, for the first time, we were going to live without parents but roommates. I was so clumsy that I did not know how to make the bed and fix the mosquito .

In the ning, we sat toger, talking about the past and the future. We were so excited that no one wanted to go to bed.

8. 用英语写一段在学校一天的作文

I'm John.I'm a student.We go to school from Monday to Friday. I go to school by bike ry day. Our lessons start at 8:00 a.m. and finish at 4:00 p.m. We he four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. We he many subjects,such as Chinese, Maths , English and so on. We hean English lesson ry day. I like English very much. We also he a PE lesson ry day tokeep healthy. We he lunch at school. I often chat with my friends at lunchtime. After school, I usually do my homework at school, and then go home 。

My day

My name is。.I had a busy day.I got up is on 6:00. Then I had a shower and had a quick beakfest. Next I took the subway to go to school. At school I was 6:50. In the afternooon, I had lunch. After that,I had three lessons in this afternoon. After school, it's 4:30. I went to home is on 5:00. At home, I had to do her homework. At 9:00, I went to bed .就行了


Record yourself pretending to he conversations. Sounds ridiculous, sure, but you'll not patterns, when and why you drop off, times when you assume you're speaking loudly but you're really not, etc. At the beginning you'll feel like an actor (and do things actors do to get in the moment), but it will become old hat. Pract makes habit, you know!

(1)Clerks 家里有四口人,他们每天都起得很早。早上爸爸通常去上班,Sandy和Sue就去上学,而妈妈就呆在家里。中午Sandy和Sue在学校吃午饭,到了下午放学她们就回家。她们通常在四点到家。晚上,Sandy 和Sue 就在家做家庭作业。之后她们上床很早,但并不是那么早就睡觉。


(2)Linda 和Mary 是。Linda 13岁,来自美国,Mary 12岁,来自伦敦。她们同在一所学校但并不同班。Linda的爸爸是中学英语教师,她妈妈是位司机。Mary的妈妈是位工人,她爸爸在造车厂工作。Linda 会说英语、法语和一点点汉语。Linda的妈妈喜欢烹饪,也喜欢吃米饭,而Linda 的爸爸并不喜欢吃米饭。他喜欢喝牛奶、吃面包。Mary 的妈妈不喜欢烹饪,而是喜欢做衣服。她会做漂亮的衬衫和裙子。Mary 的爸爸喜欢做家务和做手工。他现在正在打扫。看!Mary 正在帮他呢。


There is also a library at the school where students can borrow books to read. It is a quiet and peaceful place, perfect for studying or doing homework.

i am a grade-three student in a middle school.I will become a high-school student next year,so i am going through an important time of my life.At extent,It decedes who i am going to be.


I am sure to be very busy this year.I he made some plans which can make me reach my final target step by step.Of course,it is reasonable to he a rest sometimes.I he made my daily schedule already.I think i will go through a busy and full year.I am confident that i will succed in pasting the final exam.God bless me!


In the afternoon, I took a walk around the campus toger with my roommates. To think of studying in such a beautiful place made me feel quite proud of myself. As we were walking along, talking and laughing, a vo came into our ears, "Oh, look at these freshmen!" It was our middle-school-students' looking that ge us away. We continued our tour of the college, inspecting ry building and ry garden until the sun began to set.

People will be become more and more richer in the future.Everything will change.For example: we didn't go to schoool for study, we only stay at home to teach ourselves with comr. No matter where we want to go, we only he a thought.We can go to other plannets without anyone's . If we want to buy soming,we only press a key,a robbet will us.I think our life in the future will be more interesting and wonderful.



There are many teachers who work at the school, all of whom are very knowledgeable and ful. They teach subjects like English, math, science, history, and more.

There are sral extracurricular activities ailable at the school as well. There is a sports team, a music club, an art club, and more. Students can choose to participate in these activities to explore their interests and talents outsiit’sde of the classroom.

Overall, there is a lot to like about my school. With its excellent teachers, comprehensive curriculum, and diverse array of extracurricular opportunities, it is truly a great place to learn and grow.




学校也提供了几项课外活动,例如运动队、音乐社团、艺术社团等等。学生可以选择参加这1Use this shyness as a Cue. Whatr inside you that triggers shyness is because we perceive it as a trigger for shyness. Its like comr programming when in a 'program' gets a certain type interrupt it behes in the same way how we he programmed it to handle interrupts. Similarly our mind can be programmed too. Think a little deeper we were programmed since our childhood, to react to certain stimuli like stay away from strangers, heights, erous animals etc. Howr for certain stimuli our reactions are default, means we perceive them and react in a way which comes naturally to us (by default) and this reaction could be flawed. For example When people see a lizard some would it as an ugly reptile, while some would perceive it as a beautiful pet, this could be because of their natural(by default) reaction or response to the stimuli(lizard). In the same way when shy people see people(stimuli) your natural response is shyness. The truth is that you can change this response by re-programming your mind. Some ways this could be done by...些活动来探索他们在课堂之外的兴趣和才能。






School Not:

A singing and dancing contest will take place in the top floor of the teaching building, 2pm, this Friday afternoon.

All welcome and cheer up those participants who you like.

The Student Union.


Let us toger civilization safe , hope that such a thing will not happen.

My middle school life is coming to an end. During the three years, not only did I he happy time, but I had kinds of problems. My biggest problem was that I used to be shy. Sometimes I really didn’t know whom I should ask for when I was in trouble.

First, I learned how to communicate with others and make as many friends as sible. Then when I was in trouble, I asked my ctes or friends for because we were the same age and we could understand each other easily. Besides, I also told my teachers or parents about my trouble and asked for their . They were full of love and had rich experience.

Now, I am more outgschooloing than before. I can get along well with people around me.




Oc我们在四点结束课程。我喜欢的是课。curred in school thing


What the multicolored school life.


A good thing, a bad thing, he happy matter, he unhappy things, between the cte will also make antinomy but will be solved, today I'd like to say that happen in our class.


"Tink bell" the bell rang, we he all the science class back to class.


Then, from in the hallway was how silly laughter and "he", "you see," "I'll adjustable highs" I'm curious walked into the corridor.

Originally, sral boys are there in a ror reflection.

Then coming closer, they took a all ror the light reflection to the wall, and just a few curious first-year students are hopping to play.


The few boy was upstairs laugh.



At this moment, I couldn't stand it any longer, stepped forward to stop them say: "you this kind of behior is in others as toys in play, others like clown for you play in your this kind of behior is immoral, you can't make your own happiness based on above the sufferings of others."


My words say they speechless, flushed, also felt he had done wrong.


Remember the day when I first came to the college. Being a boy of 17, I was longing for a new life as a college student; but, at the same time, I had no idea what college life would be like.

My School Day

I’m a student. I study in a n school. I get up early ry day. I usually get up at 6:00 in the

morning. After that, I brush my te and he breakfast quickly. My mother often ls me

tha it’s not good for my health. But I don’t follow her at last. Then I go to school with my best

f原来,有几个男生正在那儿用镜子反射。riends. We all enjoy our school trip.

After school, I always play basketball with my ctes for half an

hour. I go home at 5:00 in the afternoon. I usually do my homework at

9:00 in the ning. I often go to bed at 11: oo at night. That’s my school



有个人很内向 在学校有很大的压力 向他提些建议的英语作文

Part 2 of 4: Conquering Your Mind

How to Overcome Shyness

At this moment, the reflected light is shining in a little boy's face, three or four students to play that the face of the cte, and that group of boys laughed after supine before leaning more.

Part 1 of 4: Understanding Your Shyness

1Think about the root of your shyness. Shyness doesn't necessarily equate to being introverted or not liking yourself. It simply means that for some reason you get embarrassed when the spotlight hits you. What's the root of your shyness? It's generally the symptom of a larger problem. Here are three sibilities:


You he a weak self-image. This happens when we evaluate ourselves and that vo in our heads is negative. It's tough to stop listening to it, but at the end of the day it's your vo and you can l it what to say.

You he issues believing complements given to you. Wher or not you think you look good, someone did, and that's why they told you so. You wouldn't call them a liar would you? Lift your chin, say "thank you" and accept it. Don't try to l the person who paid you a complement that they're wrong.

You are preoccupied with how you come off. This happens when we focus too much on ourselves. Because we spend all day monitoring our actions and sure we don't mess up, we assume ryone else is too. We'll talk about turning the focus on others if this sounds like you.

You are labeled as shy by others. Sometimes, when we're little, we're shy. Unfortunay, people latch onto that and treat us as such, n when our personalities grow out of it. It's sible that others he lumped you into this category and you're trying to accommodate them. The good news? You only he to accommodate yourself.

2Accept your shyness. One of the first step to overcome your shyness is try to accept your shyness and be comfortable with it. The more you will resist it unconsciously or consciously, longer it will prevail. If you are shy then accept it and embrace it totally. One way it could be done is by saying to yourself repeatedly 'Yes I am shy and I accept it'.

3Figure out your triggers. Do you become shy in front of new audiences? When learning a new skill? When venturing into a new situation? When surrounded by people you know and ade? When you don't know anyone somewhere? Try to pinpoint the thoughts that go through your head right before the shyness hits.

Odds are not all situations make you shy. You're okay being around your family, right? How are they that different than the strangers around you? They're not -- you just know them better and what's more, they know you. It's not you, it's just the situations you're in. This proves that it's not a global, of-the-time thing. Excellent.

4Make a list of situations that make you feel anxious. Order them so that those things that cause you the least anxiety are first and those that cause you the most anxiety are last. When you put things in concrete terms, it feels like a task you can tackle and tackle successfully.

Make them as concrete as sible. "Talking in front of people" may be a trigger, but you can get more specific. Talking in front of those who he more authority than you do? Talking to those you find attractive? The more specific you are, the easier it will be to identify the situation and work through it.

5Conquer the list. Once you he a list of 10-15 stressful situations, start working through them, one-by-one (after yoead the article, of course). The first few "easier" situations will build your confidence so that you can continue moving to more difficult situations on your list.


Don't worry if you he to go backwards on the list sometimes; take it at your own pace, but make an effort to push yourself.

Questioning yourself and checking the validity of your reasons. For example .

Its essential that you pract speaking in public to really overcome the problem of shyness. Try to see this shyness as a Cue to push yourself hard and to do the opite of what you he been doing when you feel shy. When you feel shy in public you probably lee to another quiet place because this has been your default reaction for so long but this time when you feel shy, push yourself and do the opite I.E talk to people. Yes you will feel extremely uncomfortable and negative but again see these emotions as a trigger to push yourself n harder. More the magnitude of these negative emotions, the harder they will motivate you to push yourself. After trying this for sral times you will realize that these negative feelings and emotions were actually your good friends because they motivated you to push yourself n harder.

2Place your attention on others. For 99% of us, we become shy when we think if we speak up or stand out, we'll embarrass ourselves. That's why it's important to focus on others, placing our (mental) attention elsewhere. When we stop focusing on ourselves, we stop being able to be worried how we come off.

The easiest way to do this is to concentrate on compassion.[1] When we're feeling compassionate, sympathetic, or n empathetic, we stop being concerned about ourselves and start devoting all our mental resources to understanding others. Remembering that ryone is fighting some sort of battle -- big or all (big to them!) -- s us remember ryone deserves our care.

If that doesn't work, imagine a thinking pattern like you imagine other people he. If you're worried about how you look, you're assuming ryone else is outwardly focused (hint: they're actually not). Thinking patterns are contagious; once you start, you won't be able to stop.

3Visualize success. Close your eyes and visualize a situation where you might be shy. Now, in your mind's eye, think about being confident. Do this often, and for different situations. This is most effective if you do this daily, especially in the morning. It might feel silly, but athletes use visualization to dlop their skills, so why not you?

Involve all your senses to make it feel the most real. Think about being happy and comfortable. What do you sound like? What are you doing? That way when the time comes, you'll be prepared.

4Pract good ture. Standing tall gives the world the impression that you are self-confident and receptive to others. Often we are treated the way we feel -- so if you feel open and approachable, your body will emulate that feeling. Body over matter!

This will fool your brain, too. Research says that good ture (head held high, shoulders back, and open arms) makes us feel authoritative, confident, and -- to top it off -- reduces stress.[2] And you didn't n need more reasons!

5Pract speaking clearly to yourself. This will oid the potential embarrasent of needing to repeat what you said due to mumbling or talking too quietly. You gotta get used to hearing your own vo! Loving it, n.

6Don't compare yourself to others. The more you compare yourself to others, the more you will feel that you are not able to measure up and the more intimidated you will feel, which will make you shyer. There is no use to compare yourself to anybody else -- but if you do, do it realistically. Everyone else is overwrought with self-assurance problems, too!

Seriously. If you he some super confident and extroverted friends or family members, ask them about this topic. They'll probably say soming, "Oh, yeah, I totally make it a conscious thing to put myself out there" or "I used to be terrible. I really had to work at it." You're just on a different phase of the process than they are.

7Think about how gosh darn great you are. Everyone has some special gift or trait to offer to the world. It may sound corny, but it's true. Think about what you know, what you can do, and what you he accomplished, rather than fixating on how you look, sound, or dress. Keep in mind that ryone, n the "beautiful people," has soming about themselves or their life that they don't like. There's no particular reason why your "problem" should make you shy while their "problem" doesn't make them shy.

When you concentrate on this, you'll realize you he plenty to offer any group or situation. Your resources and skills are needed to improve any issue, conversation, or circumstance. Knowing this, you'll feel more inclined to speak up.

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