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虎门销烟文言文翻译 虎门销烟文言文原文

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Lin Tse-hsu on the beach doing a good job two large pools, high tide so that water coming down the pool together with brine mixing lime, so that the opium in the pool an intense chemical reaction, when the tide tides open the floodgate for opium residue and with the tide into the sea, the whole process of clear-cut in everybody's eyes, under the supervision of open and aboveboard, without aperture can be drilled.

The beginning of modern Chinese history from 1840 to 1949, the end of the whole modern history of China is reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society in history.

虎门销烟文言文翻译 虎门销烟文言文原文虎门销烟文言文翻译 虎门销烟文言文原文

Before the Opium War, China is still an independent feudal state. However, as the Qing dynasty, the feudal landlords and the regime of decay, arrogance, complacency, did not realize that they he gradually fell behind. Therefore, the feudal system has been at stake. First half of the 19th century, the United Kingdom into a powerful capitalist countries, aggression directed at China. Britain in order to open the Chinese market, looting silver, to the Chinese uggling of opium to the Chinese nation has brought great suffering, Lin Tse-hsu Emperor Guangxu petition request is strictly prohibited Since Lin's Humenxiaoyan opium, the British took the opportunity to invade China, but its essence is to open the Chinese market, sales of opium .1842, the British forced the Qing government signed the Sino-British "Nanjing Treaty" from China became a semi-feudal community. After the Opium War, the Western capitalist powers through unequal treaties to China export large amounts of goods and capital, the gradual impact on China's feudal economy.

In 1860, British and French troops re-capture of Tianjin, burning, killing and looting all the way, the British and French allied forces looted and burned the world-famous royal gardens in western Beijing Summer Palace, occupied Beijing. And forced the Qing government signed the "Beijing Treaty."

Chinese modern history is that China becomes semicolony and history of semifeudali society from beginning in 1840 to ending entire Chinese modern history in 1949. In the Opium War front, China still is that a feudali being independent makes the country. But the feudali landlord regime decadent and declining , aggrandizes oneself , is a standpatter and be proud of it since Qing Dynasty is such, do not realize that self falls behind already gradually completely. Feudal system already is in imminent danger therefore. 19 centuries previous halves of phase, United Kingdom becomes the capitalist nation big and powerful, with China who invades spearhead directing. United Kingdom plunders silver , uggles an opium to China for opening the Chinese marketplace,he brought about extremely serious disaster for the Chinese nation, Lin Zexu submits a written statement to the tiger that the Guang Xu emperor asks to strictly forbid an opium because of Lin Zexu selling a cigarette , United Kingdom takes advantage of machine invading China , whose essence is but for opening the Chinese marketplace , selling an opium. United Kingdom forces Qing regime to conclude and sign China-UK "Treaty of Nanking " in 1842, China becomes semicolonial and semifeudal society herefrom. The Opium War queen , west capitali big powers are exporting commodity and capital toward Chinese great quantity by unequal treaty , are pounding Chinese feudali economy gradually. In 1840, foreign capitali has opened the antiquited Chinese entrance door with hard boat interest rate cannon. Opium War , China-France war , China-Japan Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 , Eight Allied Powers aggression against China, one foist on the Chinese nation disaster. Nearly all capitalist nations had launched an once in the world during the past close century all to China even many times invasive war. He actually invade , also he fighting without a declaration of war; He invade alone , there is in partnership looted more, force China to he concluded and signed thousands of unequal treaty. United Kingdom brings forward modification China-UK "Treaty of Nanking " in 1856, meets with but Qing regime's refusal. United Kingdom borrows this hing stirred up second Opium War, current UK-France allied forces dispatches troops tIn 1840, foreign capitali of ancient China with gunboats opened the door. The Opium War, the Sino-French War, the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, Boxer Rebellion against China, a market imposed on the Chinese disaster. Over the past century the world, almost all the capitalist countries against China launched a war of aggression once or several times. There is a flagrant invasion, there are no undeclared war; he a separate invasion, more partnership looting, forced thousands of Chinese signed the unequal treaties.o aggression China , US Russia is an accessary. In 1860, UK-France allied forces attacks and occupies Tianjin once again , single file fever goes into battle rob, UK-France allied forces has looted and Yuanmingyuan hing burned Beijing the western suburbs imperial garden of world renown down, has captured Beijing. And fix "Convention of Peking " force Qing regime to autograph. Qing regime consumes large amount of a military expenditure during the period of these war , the cash indemnity including unequal treaty has added to the burden the people greatly. A lot of common people is that the invaded party entrainment does a sle

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Emperor Tao-kuang was initially in the face of foreign aggression, arrogance, and after dread demand down, when the British invaders northward Dinghai, the town population and further threatened the Beijing-Tianjin region, he will be to "harm the country poor sick people handling" charges will be Lin Ze Xu diissal. Reassignment Qi Shan as imperial envoy going to Guangdong sum. Chinese people he always respected the patriotic heroes of the people, the rejection of foreign aggressors to curry for Qiurong scum of the nation. When the patriotic officers and men of the gentry in Guangdong, the masses aware of their "Lin s" was removed from office, the much indignation in time working towards a "million people umbrella", incense burners, mirror, and Chung-card presented to Lin Tse-hsu, to express their retention, sympathy Lin Ze Xu of a truth. Song boards is written, "people dip their Hui, Yi Wei-Wei, Dong-hoon to stay in Guangdong, Chak over the southern skies," "Kimitada Body country, honest people should," "Tobacco sales miaa sea, ocean deterrence" and praise words, spoke highly of Lin Tse-hsu oking in Guangdong Anti-British history of achievement.

Lin Tse-hsu (1785-1850), Fujian designate official (now Fuzhou) people. In March 1839, Imperial Commissioner to the court as to the suppression of opium in Guangzhou.

Destruction of opium There are many methods, such as with the fire off, but this approach is not complete, because there can be from the slag, and even the soil paste extract the oke. British off大环境不好,个人的抱负得不到施展,就像我们的民族英雄林则徐,虎门销烟,一展国威,然随后即被朝廷贬黜,流放边地,空怀报国之志,个人的命途不济也成为民族的损失。icials he predicted that China will definitely not be all the destroyed opium, they will take the opportunity to steal or resale of trafficking in opium.



In order to clear to the Chinese people a pure conscience, and awe-inspiring righteousness, Lin Tse-hsu, specially invited foreign merchants, captains, missionaries and others to the site visit, to foreigners who might he witnessed the entire process of selling cigarettes on the things carefully and thoroughly so that Lin Tse-hsu They very much admire. According to their written records left by the point of view, they think Humenxiaoyan is a successful and complete action. "We he repeatedly sold tobacco for each study a process, the Chinese people's careful and faithful attitude is impeccable."

2 能以辩博济其说 济主客观条件允许时,有治国之道的人才必定大放异彩,就像我们改革开放的带头人,三起三落,仍不负的厚望,提出改革开放,一国两制等伟大思想,带领走向世界前列。:救助

3 乞不次进用 乞: 动词,求,讨之意

4 慨然有矫世变俗之志 矫:改变,使回归正道




虎门销烟的故In 1856, the United Kingdom to amend the Sino-British "Nanjing Treaty", but it was the Qing government refused. The United Kingdom to provoke the Second Opium War, the British and French allied troops invasion of China, the United States and Russia are accomplices.事告诉我们,封建和列强侵略是发展的主要障碍,只有自由才能让获得尊严和自由。这个也表明了群众反抗压迫、争取自由的愿望是不可阻挡的,只要团结起来,就能够战胜一切困难,推动进步。


1 攥进士上第 攥: 原意为用手握住,引申为取得的意思

兴亡 匹夫有责 强国御辱



不畏强权,坚决抵June 3, 1839, under the auspices of the Lin Tse-hsu personally banned opium confiscated 237 thDuring those wars, the Qing government to spend a large number of military expenditures, including the unequal treaties of reparations greatly increased the burden on the people. Many people were taken away as sles, the aggressorousand pounds in Humen beach destruction.制帝国主义入侵的斗争精神。




(作者Lin Tse-hsu not only by the Chinese people's love, even his opponents and enemies did not dare to doubt his great admiration for his holding the attitude.:吕敬娇)

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