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1、“Through” 这个英文单字有通过、经过的意思。

2、Let’s talk的Ceema老师,整理出了”Through”在英文句子中的9种不同用法,并且列举例句做说明,快来练习一下”through”的各种使用方法,让你的会话和写作功力都更加流利吧!内容目录Through 用法1. 越过、穿过(从一点到另外一点)Through 本身有穿越、穿过的意思。

3、例: I drove through the city last night. 我昨晚开车穿过了这个城市。

4、Through 用法2. 通过(通道)ex. This is a side road through the forest. 这是一条可以通过森林的小路。

5、Through 用法3. 经手、通过(疗程或程序等)ex. The matter went through the mar’s hand. 这事情由经手。

6、Through 用法4. 血缘上的联系ex. We are cousins through our parents. 我们是表兄弟。

7、Through 用法5. 传播、消息的方式ex. I got to know the good news through your wife. 我透过你老婆知道了这个好消息。

8、Through 用法6. 经历ex. I went through a torture yesterday while I was writing my test. 我昨天在写我的测试时真是受尽了折磨。

9、Through 用法7. 某个时期,一段时间ex. I am at work Monday through Saturday. 我从礼拜一工作到礼拜六。

10、Through 用法8. 某段过程ex. I could not stop laughing all through the movie. 整场戏我从头笑到尾,完全停不下来。

11、Through 用法9. 因为,由于(某个人事物)ex. It was all through her we lost our money. 都是因为她,我们才损失了金钱。

12、()来源:xusenruthrough, through 中文, through 中文意思, through 例句, through 意思, through 用法, through 相关例句, through 翻译, through 英文, through 英文例句。


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